7 Law of Attraction Quotes to Help You Make Your Wishes Come True

The law of attraction is not a new thing. As you will see from the following quotes, people have understood the power of the law of attraction for centuries. Tapping into it can make all your wishes come true. The law of attraction is the understanding that we can attract…

How to Master The Power of Positive Thinking with These Science-Based Hacks

The power of positive thinking can be an amazing ability. Our thoughts can create and they can destroy, so why not use them for good! As human beings, we downplay the power of positive thinking. This is mainly because we have to witness trauma and heartbreak on a regular basis.…

12 Harry Potter Quotes about Friendship, Motivation, and the Meaning of Life

A good quote has the ability to change our day whether it’s spoken by a prophet or a best friend. Even a few Harry Potter quotes can brighten our day! I must admit, I haven’t read all the books or seen all the Harry Potter movies, but I really enjoyed…

How to Stop Worrying by Asking Yourself These 7 Sobering Questions

It is sometimes hard to stop worrying. However, asking yourself certain questions can help put your worries in perspective and find a more effective solution to your problems. While worrying can sometimes be useful, often it is a negative, stressful state that does little to improve our situation. Worrying excessively…

6 Eckhart Tolle Quotes That Will Change Your Perspective on Life

The words of Eckhart Tolle have the power to inspire and awaken us, as you will see from the below powerful quotes that may transform your life. Eckhart Tolle is one of the most influential spiritual writers in the western world. In his work, he explains how he was often…

7 Motivational Words That Have a Powerful Effect on the Brain

The words we use can have a powerful effect on our own behaviour and the reactions we get from others. Using motivational words can make a huge difference in our lives. Words really do matter. The language we use shapes the way we see the world and the words we…

20 Positive Affirmations to Say to Yourself Every Day

Positive affirmations aren’t just woo-woo nonsense. They really can change your brain and your life in powerful ways. Here is how. How do affirmations work? Our brains are bombarded with information from our senses all of the time. Out of necessity, we filter out much of this information and only…