8 Early Childhood Experiences That Continue to Affect You Even in Adulthood

Most of us had negative experiences in our early childhood. You will be surprised to learn that some of those experiences may still be affecting you. We outgrow most of our fears as adults. Sadly, many of these early childhood experiences stay until adulthood. As a parent, you'd want to…

Dealing with Anger the Way Mentally Strong People Do

Dealing with anger isn't a walk in the park for people, no matter how mentally tough they are. Many people react to the slightest provocation impulsively. They get heated up at the slightest sign of unfairness or bare my fangs at rudeness. Therefore, being able to control one's emotions is…

HSP: 13 Life-Changing Ways for Sensitive People to Survive in the Modern World

If you are an HSP, or Highly Sensitive Person, you probably already know that life in modern society can become challenging at times. Do you find that you're always crying at those dog adoption ads on TV, or overthinking that throwaway comment that your coworker made? Those who know you…

Why Sad People Are Some of the Greatest Folk You Will Ever Meet

We often think that feeling sadness is purely negative. However, sad people also deep thinkers who demonstrate great strengths. The list of creative geniuses who have suffered sadness and depression indicates that there may be some useful function to feeling sad. From politicians to poets, comedians to scientists, many of…