What Are Freudian Slips and What They Reveal about Your Personality

Freudian slips are those embarrassing tell-tale slips of the tongue that reveal our innermost thoughts. They are verbal mistakes that are linked to our unconscious feelings. Even the rich and famous are vulnerable to Freudian slips. In 1988, the then Vice-President, George H.W Bush gave a speech on live television.…

What Is Psychological Repression and How It Secretly Affects You & Your Health

Psychological repression is a defense mechanism in which we unconsciously push away painful or traumatic memories, thoughts, or desires. This also includes aggressive or sexual urges. We repress these unpleasant thoughts and memories so that we can lead a relatively normal life. Psychological repression is an unconscious act. If we…

What Is Psychological Splitting and How You May Be Using It without Even Knowing

Psychological splitting is also known as all-or-nothing or black-and-white thinking. Psychological splitting is an unconscious process whereby a person tends to view themselves and their life in extremes. Everything is either good or bad, and there are no grey areas. Typically, psychological splitting is about having polarising beliefs. This is…

What Is Sublimation in Psychology and How It Secretly Directs Your Life

Sublimation in psychology is a defense mechanism where negative urges and impulses are channelled into socially accepted behaviour. Sigmund Freud first coined the term sublimation after reading ‘The Harz Journey’ by Heinrich Heine. The book told the story of a boy who cut off the tails from dogs and in later…

What Does It Mean When You Dream about Someone? Common Interpretations

What does it mean when you dream about someone? You have probably asked yourself this common question at least once in your life. Almost everyone is curious to know why. I have night terrors, and at the moment, I’m still trying to figure out whether I should read more about it…

How Different Brainwave Frequencies Unlock Your Mind’s Potential

There are four different brainwave frequencies or patterns of brain activity. Let’s learn how they can help you unleash your mind’s full potential. The human brain is more than just an organ. Due to its methodical yet mysterious functions, the brain has always been compared to a computing system that…

10 Carl Jung Quotes That Teach Profound Life Lessons

Here are some powerful Carl Jung quotes about life. Carl Jung was a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist who founded analytic psychology. Jung developed many concepts including extroverted and introverted personality types, the collective unconscious and is still influential in psychiatry today. Many of Carl Jung quotes about life are widely known…

7 Signs You Have an Emotional Blockage That Prevents You from Being Happy

We form an emotional blockage when we don’t express our emotions in a healthy way. Could you be blocking your emotions to an extent that it makes you unhappy? Healthy emotions, expressed freely and without barriers, are the key to a healthy body and mind. What this means is that…