What Do Recurring Dreams Mean and Reveal about Your Personality?

Most people that have experienced recurring dreams have wondered what they mean. There are many schools of thought when it comes to dream analysis. Of course, we have to put Austrian founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud at the top of the list. He was the first person to suggest the…

What Do Dreams about Being Lost Mean? 5 Psychological Interpretations

According to experts, dreams about being lost represent feelings of vulnerability, anxiety, inadequacy, and a feeling being ‘out of place’. Dreams about being lost are quite common. So are dreams about dying, falling, and being chased. Of course, dream interpretation is subjective at best. However, most experts agree that anxiety…

12 Secrets from Body Language Experts That Will Help You Read People Like a Book

Body language experts take our unconscious movements and decode them to understand what we are really saying. But the great thing is that you don’t need to be as knowledgeable as they are. This is because we’ve picked the minds of some of the best body language experts. We know…

Schema Therapy and How It Takes You to the Root of Your Anxieties and Fears

Schema therapy was developed as a way to treat patients with longstanding problems that hadn’t responded to other therapeutic methods. Designed to help people with deeply-rooted personality disorders, schema therapy uses a mixture of: Cognitive-behavioural therapy Psychodynamic therapy Attachment theory Gestalt therapy “Schema therapy thus developed into a modality that…

What Are Subliminal Messages and How They Influence You without Even Knowing

We all go through life making decisions, using our own free will, right? We are certainly smart enough to know if someone is trying to manipulate us. So it stands to reason that we would know if someone was using subliminal messages, wouldn't we? But subliminal messages are just that.…

5 Mind Control Techniques Used by the Media to Evoke the Worst in Us

When you think of mind control techniques, do you envisage some shady government agent in an unknown location, using dodgy methods for evil manipulation? It appears that this is quite a common first reaction. The truth, in fact, is a lot more subtle, and disturbing. The mass media have been…