10 Psychological Complexes That May Be Secretly Poisoning Your Life

Psychological complexes are distorted sensory and thought patterns that lead to unnatural behavior and are typically deep-rooted in a person’s psyche. Psychological complexes affect how a person sees themselves, how they behave towards others and can have a huge impact on that person’s life. It is not known how a…

What Is a Shadow Self and Why It’s Important to Embrace It

Carl Jung was the first psychiatrist to propose the theory that our minds are split into two very different archetypes: the persona and the shadow self. The persona is derived from a Latin word that means ‘mask’ and it means the person we present to the world, the person we…

Falling Dreams: Meanings and Interpretations That Reveal Important Things

Anyone who has experienced falling dreams will tell you that it is a terrifying experience. What does it mean when you see yourself falling in a dream? As frightening as falling dreams are, they are pretty common, and many people dream about falling in some form or another. It is…

8 Signs the Power of Subconscious Mind Is Changing Your Life

You cannot possibly understand the true strength that resides within you until you utilize the power of subconscious mind. With this power, you can do anything! Many people live day to day with a fear mindset, deriving from millions of negative thoughts. This is a form of control, not by…