10 Signs You Have Bottled Up Emotions (and How They Secretly Affect You)

Bottled up emotions can affect your life in unexpected ways. For this reason, it’s important to recognize if you repressing your emotions too much. We all have moments where it is better to repress our emotions rather than articulate every single feeling we experience. Our society dictates that we should…

8 Reasons Releasing Anger Is Crucial for Your Mental and Physical Health

Anger as an emotion can be good or bad, it all depends on the circumstances. Releasing anger is necessary and here is why. Anger is a primitive defense mechanism that kept us safe thousands of years ago, but is it necessary in today’s society? We live in a civilised society,…

7 Signs You Have an Emotional Blockage That Prevents You from Being Happy

We form an emotional blockage when we don’t express our emotions in a healthy way. Could you be blocking your emotions to an extent that it makes you unhappy? Healthy emotions, expressed freely and without barriers, are the key to a healthy body and mind. What this means is that…

Digestive Tract: a Physical Location Where Trauma, Loss and Negativity Are Stored

What if I told you that your digestive tract was a physical location in your body that you could clean to help end the trauma, loss, and difficulties in your life? And what if, by unclogging your digestive tract, you could experience flow, energy, and heightened awareness all over again? Well, guess what:…

Things That Cause Your Heart Chakra to Block and How to Open It

Heart Chakra (or known as anahata=unstruck) is the 4th element of the 7 Chakras which contributes to a harmonious development of our wellbeing. Anahata holds the sacred spark of divinity and intuition, being the integration point for the other chakras. The Heart Chakra is all about love, free spirit, joy,…

How to Deal with Intrusive Thoughts – Suppress, Repress or Accept?

Everyone is subject to intrusive thoughts on a daily basis. They are ideas or images which occur spontaneously in the person’s mind, against their will. Most of the time, these thoughts are merely annoying. However, if they are coupled with a deeper, underlying issue, such as OCD or depression, intrusive…