Superheroes and villains in comics and movies are known for their incredible superpowers. Now, some real people claim to have supernatural abilities like telekinesis. Is telekinesis real? Let’s explore a few reported cases.

Previously, I published an article about the controversial research on telekinesis along with general information about this phenomenon. Today, we will not focus on scientific experiments but will talk about the reported cases of telekinesis. Let’s explore a few cases of real people who claim to have telekinetic powers and try to decide whether telekinesis is real or not.

Is Telekinesis Real? 4 People Who Claimed to Have Telekinesis

Angelique Cottin

One young girl was said to hold unbelievable power and to be able to move multiple objects at one time.

One reported case of spontaneous telekinesis happened to a French girl named Angelique Cottin when she was 14 years old. On the evening of January 15, 1846, she and three village girls were doing some embroidery. Suddenly, embroidery fell out of their hands and a lamp was thrown in the corner. The girls accused Angelique because, in her presence, strange things always happened: furniture moved on its own, and scissors fell on the floor out of a sudden.

Angelique’s parents organized a show in Mortane in order to earn some money on their daughter’s abilities. The girl caught the attention of a Parisian scientist, François Arago. When the girl was in her “electrified” condition, almost everything that was in contact with her clothes bounced off. When Argo tried to touch the girl, he experienced a shock, much like touching a source of electric current.

If Angelique was anywhere near a magnet, without her knowledge, she would shake. A compass, however, didn’t react to her presence. This is because most items, which moved around the room, were made of wood.

According to skeptic Frank Podmore, many of Angelique’s manifestations of telekinesis were “suggestive of fraud”. Some examples included: the contact of Angelique’s garments necessary to manifest any supernatural ability as well as witnesses who observed some kind of double movements as if the girl threw the object extremely fast so that it was difficult to detect.

Eusapia Palladino

Angelique was not the only one who claimed to have telekinesis. In 1888, Dr. Ercole Ciaia from Naples described a wonderful medium, Eusapia Palladino, who seemed to be able to move objects during spiritualist seances:

“This woman attracts the surrounding items and lifts them into the air. She plays musical instruments without touching them.”

A well-known psychiatrist, Professor Cesare Lombroso was shocked by what she did. She was moving furniture in the direction of the audience and materializing some kind of ‘ghost’ hands in the air, which looked real.

Finally, magician Joseph Rinn caught Palladino cheating while allegedly levitating a table. In reality, she was lifting the table with her foot. Later, psychologist Hugo Münsterberg found out that she was using magic tricks to move objects in the air.

Nina Kulagina

One of the most mysterious and famous people who claimed to have telekinetic abilities was a Soviet housewife Nina Kulagina. She exhibited a number of very unusual abilities, studied by more than 40 scientists for nearly twenty years, and many of these experiments were filmed. But no one managed to find a scientific explanation for the phenomenal abilities of this woman, neither was the scientific community convinced with the existing evidence.

So what was Nina Kulagina capable of? Was her telekinesis real? She claimed to be able to move small objects with the power of thought alone or change the trajectory of their movement without touching them. She was also said to have the ability to emit ultrasonic waves. Till now, the nature of these powers and how they developed, remains a mystery.

However, skeptics and researchers who watched videos that showed Kulagina moving objects with her mind said that the evidence could have easily been manipulated. For example, Kulagina could have used concealed threads, mirrors, or magnets.

You can judge for yourself:

Uri Geller

Nina Kulagina was not the only one of the reported cases of telekinesis. A mysterious person, Uri Geller, born in Tel Aviv in 1946, repeatedly demonstrated his ability to deform metal objects. From the age of four, he claims to have revealed the ability to bend metal spoons by the power of thought.

The so-called “Geller effect” became well-known as scientists observed him. It was said that he could read minds, bend keys and other metal items simply by touching them or even looking at them. Did Geller indeed have telekinetic powers? The results of the experiments were inconclusive and Uri Geller was neither caught cheating nor demonstrated consistent patterns of observable psychic phenomena.

In 1966, a British psychologist, Kenneth J. Batcheldor, after 20 years of studying the phenomena of telekinesis, published several reports that concluded that psychokinesis was possible. However, the scientific community never accepted his studies as valid and the results were widely criticized.

So is telekinesis real?

uri geller telekinesis

After reading these reported cases of telekinesis, are you convinced? It seems that all we are left with is an incredible number of hypotheses and assumptions. Many of these cases were debunked and the people who claimed to have telekinesis turned out to be frauds. Some other cases remain questionable.

The only thing is for sure – till now, there is no conclusive evidence that telekinesis is real. So I guess, for now, this remarkable superpower will remain on the pages of comic books.

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This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. Marcos Paulo Rodrigues

    It’s an interesting article, I have read and some cases remember things that happen to me. Happens everyday, it were stronger and even life threatning when I was younger, but I feel, I know somehow, that it’s okay now because I was too young and any supernatural powers or abilities were still in development.
    I never did move things with my mind, yet though. But I did sometimes emit ultrasonic waves, and I have seen energy in the physical plane. Whenever I go to sleep, sometimes I wake up with a mass energy wave around my body. So strong that hurts my brain and makes my heart hurt too, sometimes it makes my bones hurt for many hours. It happens when I face a strong emotion or try to take control of a lucid dream, it is so strong in the dream that when I wake up I can feel my skin having little shocks, and the air around me gets heavier.
    I noticed that the more we hear others telling us that those things aren’t possible, the more further away we will be from our dreams, when I was younger i could control air currents(Here on Brazil is very very hot on summer), but my parents, religious fanatics that believe that everything that doesn’t come form the church is from hell, said to me and made me believe and block my mind to the wind. But I can still make a very weak wind around me.
    Also, aside from the physical things, I have visions that always occur. I have seen in dreams people that I never met before, hundreds, and eventually I met them. In those cases, the scene that I saw in the dream happens when the vision comes true, exactly I as have seen them.
    Also my intuition is very strong, and I can sense people, predict things about those, and read them using their spiritual energy.
    I want to prove that everything is real, but I do not know how to begin. Of course, some experiments proved that energy generated by hundreds of human minds, and feelings, can make powerful energy waves. I don’t remember the name exactly. But I do feel that the general opinion that nothing is possible affects the possibility of manifestation of those abilities. And it’s even worse now that we have social networks and internet. After all, on net a person may have a true story of supernatural happenings, but all the thoughts about it being fake feeds the general thought of “nothing is possible”, back in old times the thought that blocks that wasn’t so strong, everyone believed because there were no explanations, now people can see scientific research and atheism on everything really easily.
    The thing said in magic(I’m pagan) is that the mind blocks it, if that is true, then if billions of minds think that isn’t possible, and one single mind think it is, the overwhelming force of that collective thought would block that.
    I think that’s why all the cases of supernatural ocurrings are before 2000, and rarely happens today. Maybe there are hundreds of people with the natural ability to use it, but they are being shut down yearly in their lives, by facebook, internet and false magicians, they are made in the belief that Magic is something made of illusions.
    In places where technology isn’t that present, in old places, supernatural ocurrings are being told off very often. After all it’s easier for people to belief in the supernatural when the scientific explanation isn’t present, they will believe with their hearts.

    Well I have spoken too much, I hope we can make contact. And keep believing in the possibility that everyone can do it. Dream and belief is the key to unlock your hidden powers. Sadly, sometimes is just one against hundreds of millions.

    1. Jord'n

      That’s amazing 🙂 I want to see you doing the trick 🙂 I want to practice it as well 🙂

    2. Emma

      You have said everything I was thinking and I wanted to tell you about my own experiences. I don’t know if they mean anything or if it’s just my brain messing with my eye sight but I see very small white dots when I look at the sky only at the sky and they move extremely fast they remind me on molecules or atoms I don’t know. This just started a few years ago. Also I see clumps of almost fish eggs that sounds weird but it’s like tons of circles that clump together and follow my eyes by his has been happening since I was little and also only happens when I look at the sky. I was with my brother a few months ago and California is having a dry spell and I wished there were clouds and a few hours later they appeared. I probably sounds like a crazy person now but it’s harder to discribe and you seem to have some experiences with air so thank you if you read this and reply.

      1. Rian

        Emma I know exactly what you mean this happens to me all the time. I don’t think it is anything tele or psychokinetic. I think are ayes are sometime able to see varying low forms of energy emission. I wont to do more research on this now that I know this happens to someone else.

      2. Orion

        Don’t worry about that, its just something that naturally happens when you look at something bright, it generally means that behind your eye receptors, there is small bleeding and your eye is just reflecting it so its white, this happens to me too if a flex my face too hard, scream, stare at the sun or rotate my head to quickly to the sky.

    3. RAY

      I believe because i feel it, i can feel things move. When i try, my mind feels electrical but not strong enough to move anything. When i try, i shiver, i forget to breath, my mind feels so electrical but its just not enough. i am 15 years old and to strengthen my concentration i have started meditating and my mind just feels more electrical but it’s still not enough. This process will take a very long time and i am going to be patient because i can feel it.

    4. Unknown

      I had good time reading your article thanks! I know people don’t believe in supernatural powers. I believe that someone in the earth or on has superpowers.

    5. Jonathan Winterrowd

      I have some abilities. Some even on record. Many of my videos are being deleted somehow though

      1. leo

        stop lying

    6. Luke

      Marcos is right. Magical people are at a great disadvantage these days. That’s why they hide now, it’s a workout to overpower all the minds you are assaulted with these days. The good news is it builds muscles 💪
      As for telekinesis I’ve seen it a fistful of times. I’ve never really done it on purpose, usually only as an unexpected result of experiments. But it usually involved the intentional movement of a ton of energy in a loop between my cosmic presence and my human presence.
      ..And one time highly concentrated energy: I had the idea I might be able to astral project easier by entering a small stone I put on my forehead. But it caused so much pain it startled me out of meditation and I quickly sat up and pulled the stone off. Whatever flew from me nearly tore the tin off my roof and threw all the pots pans and bowls from the shelves in the adjacent building! 😲

  2. Jorge

    What Marcos said is totally true. I recently discovered through meditation that i could feel and create electromagnetism and move light materials.
    I believe telekinesis has something to do with the gamma-rays produced by our brains.

    1. Al

      It’s not necessarily the brain, but rather the electromagnetic energy field doing the work of Telekinesis.

  3. AeonStar

    When I was between ten or 12 years old, I had an out of body experience. It lasted for at least 15 to 20 minutes. I had fallen asleep upstairs in my attic laying right beside my sister who was already asleep. I was only several minutes into a deep sleep I suppose. The next thing I know, I’m rising from up out of my own body and started floating in mid air. As I started floating, I became extremely puzzled and a little worried, but as I was floating, just before I floated out of the attic, I turned around and seen both of our bodies laying sleep on the floor..I wondered what this was or how could it be. The attic had a flight of stairs going down near the bathroom, into the hallway and into my parent’s room. I floated down the stairs, pass the bathroom, down the hallway and stopped above my parent’s bedroom door,and looked down on them and wondered.. I believe they were watching the news..but it was definitely a television program. The experience was quite strange because, as I’ve studied to understand it now that I’m older, the surrounding was very energized…like static or high vibration, but everything was clear. Everything was black and white, there was nothing in color. After floating above my parent’s door for several minutes, somehow, I returned to my body in the attic. I think it was instant. Then I woke up, walked downstairs and approached my parents to ask how they were doing, them not knowing what had happened.

  4. Preston

    I am interested in learning more about this, with tk or pk is there a way to measure energy emitting from the body.I was a late bloomer ,it took a tragic event to switch on my abilities.I also worry alot about people like us ,not that we will be accepted,but quit the opposite.

  5. Affan Ejaz E

    I exactly d0nt kn0w how it happened but i have been practicing telekines for the last 3 years and a year ago i succeeded in m0ving a small object but it never happened again.. i d0nt kn0w why p

  6. Philip A. Mitchell

    Sub: Physic Females:
    They do exist and they are extraordinary people an usually exhibit unusual and extraordinary talents in the arts. They are a pleasure to be in their company and can migrate into your innermost thoughts, without speaking a word. “THEY” will instantly know more about you and understand your persona better than you do yourself.
    On a first and happenstance encounter you may be told your birthdate, where you were born and other mineuchi. You will both bring up the subject of a conversation at the same instance in time and come to a foregone conclusion like it was preordained. You may find yourself holding hands without being conscious of it. There are many other phenomena, too many to mention here.
    I have had the privilege of knowing two women with the “GIFT.” Both women were friends but not looking for or available for relationships. (to my regret.)
    “BELIEVE IT OR NOT” I have been there –done that.

  7. Low

    is this real? guys are you for have like power to move object and stuff? shit i want one too please how do u get it?(train)

  8. Frenz Dela Cruz

    Anything is possible even telekenisis. Our mind is very powerful not only to create technology but also to manifest super human ability. Maybe most of it hide in our unconscious mind but there are few people in the world who had already gifted with special power ability of mind. There are physics of mind.

  9. Darren

    Why visitors still make use of to read news papers when inn his technological globe everything is available on net?

  10. alex

    I am making a documentary on the monks of the world and they have strange powers like this they are able to heart up there bodies and even hover or float for a period of time if anyone of you can explain how this all works I would very much appreciate that

  11. Andrew an Unexpected

    I don’t know if I really can but I feel like I can predict what directions things are moving or where its going to come from, I live near a road that barley any cars pass threw, It splits into 4 directions, I randomly think that I have powers so I ask myself if I do then where will the next car come from, my guts tell me a different thing then i want to say but when I say it I correct it and go with my guts but they are wrong it’s the first one. I was told that I have rare eyes because of its colour (Gray) but it changes colour from Green in the morning to Blue in the night and when foggy and cloudy Grey my true colour; I was told the change of colour is an illusion and that its adjusting to the light but idk if it affects me i’m not sure if this is a power or if i’m guessing but I find it cool.

  12. Mo

    i hear voices and the people that omit these voices have the ability of taking my body away from me. It has been three years and im still waiting to feel my body again. I;m sure they are using telekenisis. They use their superpowers for bad though for the time being because I take medicaation and i dont feel the medicine anymore thats also been happening forthe past three years. If anyone can help me and tell me what to do or who should i contact to get rid of this curse that would be great.

    1. Jonathan Winterrowd

      Seek clergy. Protect yourself from psycic attack. Let me know if i can help

  13. vivian

    Here in Payette, Idaho you can see telekinesis in action, the good side of it & the bad side of it. Remember society does have bad people around, if you decide to stop by, I live in the trailer park, & G., lives in the other trailer park, that faces the side of my window. G., has Autisim & the gift that goes with it, he focus on telekinesis & other things. There is a bad crowd that follows us, but, all the evidence for researching telekinesis is here, &other things. I was told to go to India for research & answers. People indulge & impose on my life everyday like I am a celebrity. EAVES dropping he can do this with no problem. It will probably end man’s EXISTENCE if more people were made like G., THE ENTIRE WORLD SHOULD come see him this way this will BECOME A FACT.

  14. Katana Coffey

    I didnt have a change being at school to read this word for word but what i did read was quiet nice.
    being one of these people i am unsure if its safer to stay hidden or step into the light and risk being put in
    a nice tight box and shipped off some where.
    im trapped in the world of i want to be with my own kind and the is it safe to even let it be known that i am

    for my ability i can to a degree alter weather and smoke.
    and to a lesser degree intensity of fire.
    its one of those handy things when camping

    allowed me to get a fire started for my friends on our camping trip when their attempt with i might add
    1/2 a gallon of lighter fluid failed to get any thing light on fire at all well accept the fluid its self.
    and well i got it going with flent and steel and a single 8 1/2 x 11 piece of notebook paper. and my
    ability of course.
    and had it hot enough to cook on in under 1 minute.

    sadly it got me dubbed as the fire starter each day ie no sleeping in.
    ah well made for a good trip.

    anyways thx for your article and glad that at least in some small way word is getting out and hopufully
    people with out the abilities will be able to accept those of us with them.

  15. Conundrum

    Has anyone heard of people being able to affect PCs and other electronic devices using this ability? Seems that this is actually peer reviewed, in the form of the “Pauli Effect” and only happens with certain components.
    Watches not working when worn by certain people are one manifestation, possibly due to the counter components on these being quite large so more sensitive to some particles.
    I did some work on this and it appears that one sign of this ability is Geiger counters “spiking” near certain people but still well within safe limits.
    The method used is to increase the voltage on the specific tube used but still well within its maximum: this appears to make it sensitive to 40K and other low energy isotopes and I documented this experimentally using selective crystallization.

  16. Kaitlyn

    I can control and summon storms while we’re on the topic of mind powers.

  17. Brandon Anton

    Hi so beautiful to make magic

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