Read the story below and answer as spontaneously and quickly as possible.

There are two neighboring islands. In the first one live two men: an uncivilized savage and a civilized man. On the other island, there are several people, among them a girl who is in love and has a relationship with the civilized man.

The girl wants to go to the opposite island to meet her lover. She asks the only boatman of the island how much he wants to take her there. The boatman says that he does not want money and he will take her to the other island if she is naked in the boat.

The girl is shocked… not knowing what to do she goes to the wise man of the island to ask for help. He listens to her story with attention and gives the following advice: “Do what your heart tells you, my child…” So the girl decides to accept the proposal of the boatman in order to meet her beloved man.

So, they go to the other island. But when they arrive, the savage is on the seafront and gets crazy at the sight of the naked woman so he rapes her… At the same moment, the civilized man comes and sees the scene. He goes mad and tells the girl that he does not want her anymore and she must leave immediately…

Evaluate the 5 characters of the story (savage, civilized man, girl, boatman, wise man) from the best to the worst, so that the number 1 is the character that you believe to be the best person in the story and the 5th is the worst of all.


Each character of the story represents a priority in your life:

Savage = how important sex is for you;

Civilized man = importance of other people’s opinion;

Girl = your need for an emotional relationship;

Boatman = your need for earning money;

Wise man = how much you rely on logic.

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This Post Has 226 Comments

  1. Holly

    1. Wiseman – has no blame or fault as gave advice only when asked, which was unbiased and which provoked the girl to make her own decision.
    2. Savage – can not be held accountable for his actions, did not know any better.
    3. Girl – clearly loved guy to point where she done something which was obviously uncomfortable, but should of thought more logically and never put herself in a compromising situation.
    4. Civilized – pathetic for his reaction to the rape, which brings to question if he was truly in love with the girl as didnt even want any explanations.
    5. Boatman – the only character who initially brought any negative action into the story. If it was not for him it would be a wholly different situation.

  2. sevalent

    1. wise man
    2. girl
    3. savage
    4. civilized man
    5. boat man

    totally not true btw. unfortunately i’m so money orientated and giving too much for other people’s opinion…

  3. Jaimee

    1 girl
    2 civilized man
    3 savage man
    4 boatman
    5 wise man

  4. sathya


  5. Tékété

    The girl
    The savage
    The wise man
    The civilized
    The boatman.

  6. Shaan

    1. girl
    2. wise man
    3. boatman
    4. savage
    5. civilized

  7. A

    Same as Lasithds.
    Wise man is a neutral character, the girl has good intentions and she decides to get over her own principles just to see her lover, the boatman is just a perv freak, the savage is a lost man focused just on his animal instincts and the civilized man is indeed the worse cause u have more expectations from him to understand the situation or at least expected to jump into helping her.

    I don’t think people could chose something different else.
    If some1 did it can explain why? I wanna see opinions!

    Love& Light, A.

  8. sesn

    5. Savage
    4. Civilized man
    3. Boatman
    2. Girl
    1. Wise man

  9. Peter

    1. Savage (He did what was normal for him, not betrayed anyone)
    2. Girl (She wanted to meet her love, but wasn’t enoght considered)
    3. Boatman (He took advantage of the girl’s request)
    4. The wise man (He gave an irresponsible, shallow advice, while he is in
    a responsible social rank)
    5. The civilized man (No need to explain, he is an AS*HOLE)

  10. lisa traxel

    1. Wise man
    2. Girl
    3. Boatman
    4. Civilized man
    5. Savage man

  11. Kizza

    Wise man

  12. hem

    1. Girl – wanted to see her man. Innocent, and stupid.
    2. Wise man -could’ve and should’ve stopped her. Wouldn’t really call him wise, knowing what advise he gave her. He could’ve gone down the ladder, but he didn’t, because it was others who perceived him wise, where in reality he really wasn’t so.
    3. Savage – we are humans, should’ve controlled, no matter what, humans were uncivilized and women were naked back in the day, doesn’t mean every man raped them as much as they wanted.
    4. Boat man – one of the worst plagues in our society. He takes pleasure in these inhumane things knowing they were so. He is worse than the savage because he did it even after knowing the cons of the act, and what it meant for the girl.
    5. Civilized man- how could he turn her away. She was possibly in her worst condition in her entire life, and he didn’t want to stand by her. He is really the uncivilized one in my opinion.

  13. John

    What do the islands represent?

  14. Firas Bashir

    1:- Wiseman
    2:- Savage
    3:- Boatman
    4:- Girls
    5:- Civilized

  15. Trent

    Wise Man
    Civilized Man

  16. Minglewood

    1) Girl (operating from pure love).
    2) Savage (operating from instinct – doesn’t know civilized views).
    3) Wise man (not wise if he couldn’t imagine what might happen).
    4) Boatman (His greed and prurience are the cause of the rape).
    5) Civilized (His love for her was false, and his action may cause her suicide. She suffered this out of her love for him).

  17. Marilyn

    Boatman, girl, savage, Wiseman and civilized man

  18. Mary Mar

    1.wise man
    4.boat man

  19. Katya

    It is not possible to rate these people from god to bad because there is not enough information. The “wiseman” is not wise. A wise man would have asked the girl, “why do u think this man wants you naked and alone on a boat? Why do you think his intentions are? Be wise girl and be careful of the situation you are putting yourself in.” It’s like telling a woman it’s ok to get drunk with a man you don’t want to have sex with and going to his hotel room at 2am. Be smart woman this is a stupid move to make. The dumb girl should have said “he’ll no I’m not getting in a boat naked with your weird ass, I’ll find another way!” This is a silly personality test. The rapist is a dangerous predator with no control and she’s a dumb-dumb for putting herself in harms way! The rest of the people I have no opinion on. I would be surprised if a woman created this silly story.

  20. jhonnes

    Worst explanation of the psych ever… Do some more research…. 🙁

  21. charlie

    5. Civilized man: He should be the one to go visit the girl if he is civilized. He let her travel in dangerous circumstances and then punished her for unavoidable consequences.

    4. Boatman: She was naked because of his stupid deal and he did nothing to stop the savage.

    3. Wise man: Gave meaningless advice. Could have gone with her but said a lot of words but told her nothing of real value. Her heart lead her to the wise man’s house. Her heart was confused and trouble. The “wise: man says “follow your heart”. Gee thanks.

    2. The girl: Is desperate, so desperate she takes bad advice and makes a bad deal resulting in dire consequences. She has chosen to love a man with poor character. But she means well. Too bad the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    1. The Savage: Is just a savage and did what savages do. Of all the characters in this story this one is the most authentic. He gets what he wants with no trouble, no bargaining, no guilt, no remorse, no judgement. Of all, only the savage is whole and complete.

  22. gina

    1. Boatman
    2. Savage
    3. Civilized man
    4. The girl
    5. The wise man

  23. gina

    Oops, read it wrong. My 1 is the worst and 5 IS THE BEST

  24. theeeeeeeee

    1. girl (followed her heart)
    2. boatman (business is business)
    3. savage (savage man is just that… savage)
    4. civilized (no compassion or anything civilized about the civilized man)
    5. wise man (wise man did not speak of possible scenarios of what could happen – then – still leaving the choice to the girl, except that she would be a little more aware and cautious about the possible dangers of her actions)

  25. KelleyB

    1. girl
    2. wise man
    3. boatman
    4. savage
    5. civilized

  26. oana de lucia

    1.wise man
    I made this test to 5 friends of mine (men)…my conclusion….most men have lack of logic 😀 lol

  27. mischel

    1.wise man
    5.civilized man

  28. peggy risner

    SAVAGE -5
    GIRL- 1
    wise man-1

  29. Donna

    well mine went like this:
    1. wise man= because he really just gave advise she ultimately has to make her own choice to do what she did.
    2.Girl= Because all she wanted to do was somehow get to the man she loved and be with him so being naked and thats all to get there may have seemed innocent enough to her.
    3. savage= Because he is uncicilized never taught anything just sees naked girl and goes crazy and the word savage kinda implies to me he would be rough or violent he only did what seemed natural to him. he was innocent in a way.
    4.Boat Man= Because he ask her to do that in the first place ,it may not have happened if she hadnt been naked or had set off the savage he was a scum for asking .
    5. Civilized Man= Because she showed she would do anything to be with him. but she wasnt in control of the events that followed all she wanted was him and sfter seeing what she had gone through to get to him he turned his back on her that would be the worst that he could forgive and forget .
    But it can be thought of in many different ways it each ones fault in some way or the other in the whole situation.

  30. Janet Ma'ly

    1) Wise Man
    2) Savage: I don’t equate what the savage did
    3) Civilized Man

  31. Katie


  32. Carol

    1. wise man
    2. girl
    3. boatman

  33. KBStryker

    1) Wise Man
    2) Civilized
    3) Girl
    4) Savage
    5) Boat Man

  34. Ellana Caldin

    2-Wise man
    3-Boat man
    4-Civilized man

    Wow! I am surprised at the variety of response here

  35. Sade

    Wise man
    Boat man
    Civilized savage

  36. suzy

    1. Wise man
    2. Girl
    3. Boatman
    4. Savage
    5. Civilised man

  37. V

    So I have to agree with a rapist and accept as natural that men can’t control their sexual impulses in order to have sex rank anything but last? Other than that sort of interesting.

  38. andrea

    1. Wiseman
    2. Girl
    3. uncivilized man
    4. Boatman
    5. Civilized man

  39. Trina

    (1) Girl
    (2) Wise Man
    (3) Boatman
    (4) Civilized Man
    (5) Savage,
    1. desire for emotional relationship
    2. dependence on logic
    3. desire to earn $$
    4. importance of other people’s opinion
    5. importance of sex.

    I kind’a agree, but think sex should be higher up w/me, tho I STILL don’t agree the savage is any higher than #5. Go figure.

  40. Liz

    1)wise man
    2) girl
    3) boat man
    4) savage
    5) civilised man

  41. Mauricio

    Very similar to the horoscope. And as I’ve chosen the wise man first, I will say this is purely useless.

  42. Miles

    The only sensible response to me seems like

    1. Wise Man
    2. Woman
    3. Boat Man
    4. Civilized Man
    5. Savage

    At the very least, I can’t see how anyone could possibly put the savage anywhere except the last place. I’d say raping a woman is at least a tad worse than breaking up with someone because they were raped…

  43. Miles

    Actually, I misread, the question was ‘who is the worst’ not ‘whose actions were the worst’. That changes everything, I’m not sure what my answer would be now.

  44. Sandra

    1- wise man
    2- girl
    3- savage
    4- boat man
    5- civilized man

  45. Nancy

    1. Girl
    2. Boatman
    3. Uncivilized man
    4. Civilized Man
    5. Wise Man

    Wow! Very different responses and mine was way different. I saw nothing logical in the Wise man’s advice. He told her to rely on emotions – “what your heart tells you “not your brain! Interesting!

  46. Deb

    Wise man

  47. Jeff

    1. Wise Man
    2. Girl
    3. Savage
    4. Boatman
    5. Civilized Man

  48. Renee

    #1. Wise Man
    #2. Boat Man
    #3. Girl
    #4. Savage Man
    #5. Civilized Man

    I chose this order (and it was difficult) because the wise man didn’t tell the girl what to, just follow her heart. The boatman didn’t want to be paid, he was just helping. Then the girl for having love (wanted to put her higher but). Then the savage because as awful what he did, he is basically a wild animal acting on “instincts” (to take what he wants). The civilized man is last because he KNOWS better. He discarded love over something she had no control over.

  49. Tommy

    1 – the girl
    2 – the savage
    3 – the wise man
    4 – the boatman
    5 – the civilzed men

  50. AnthonyM

    1 wiseman he offered aid when asked only helped others
    2. The girl/savage both acting on there Natural human instinct the Savage didn’t know he was hurting anyone
    4.The boatman…..weirdo….
    5. civilized man self explanatory

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