The throat chakra bears the name “Vishuddha,” which means “purification” and perfectly describes this its role.

In the Hindu symbolism, Vishuddha is represented by a 16-petalled, azure-colored lotus, sometimes featuring blue-violet shades. At the center of the lotus is placed an upside-down triangle, with a white circle included. Esoteric astrology links the throat chakra to the planet Mercury, and the functions of this chakra are related to knowledge, concrete thoughts and judgmental capabilities. Additionally, the sacred animal associated with Vishuddha is the white elephant, a symbol of wisdom, discernment, and steadiness.

Vishuddha is the fifth chakra and is located at the base of the neck. It is responsible for honest communication and is the center of the creativity. This creativity, unlike the instinctual creativity that is located in the second chakra, is a conscious creativity. It is somehow the deep expression of our being.

The throat chakra is the center of expression because here your inner truth takes the physical form (by sound). The second function of this chakra is sincerity: the expression of what is true for ourselves, to listen and to be heard or to find our inner voice.

Physically speaking, Vishuddha governs the nervous system, the pharynx with vocal cords and ears. It is also directly linked to the woman’s genital organs through the connection with the Swadisthana chakra.

The throat chakra is responsible for transforming thoughts into forms of energy-bearing and information manifested through verbal communication.

For this reason, the voice can have powerful therapeutical effects, but it can also become a destructive weapon by addressing accusations, reproaches, or repressed emotions. In such case, singing is a beneficial use of Vishuddha because it is an expressive form of our soul, thought and emotions.

What Interrupts the Optimum Function of the Throat Chakra?

The main inhibitor of this chakra is a lie. Every time we lie, even if we have “good” reasons to and think that it may not hurt anyone, we actually hurt ourselves. Every lie is energetically jamming us and blocks the throat chakra.

An additional factor that affects the throat chakra is the criticism one may receive. If you feel judged for what you said, if you have the impression that what you have to say would harm anyone or you fear that if you were honest, you could cause conflict, then the repressed thoughts and feelings will have a negative impact on your throat chakra.

Thirdly, it is very likely to have an unbalanced throat chakra as a result of traumatic childhood experiences. You may have been marginalized at school or perhaps verbally abused. If your parents were yelling at you and rarely encouraged you to express yourself, then these experiences may have left some emotional scars that you have not yet healed.

Signs of a Blocked Throat Chakra

Consequently, dysfunctions in this energy plexus can cause diseases in the related systems:

  • Laryngitis
  • Sore throats
  • Dizziness
  • Asthma
  • Fatigue
  • Anemia

Other signs that indicate a blockage of the throat chakra are:

  • Struggling to find your words or/and being afraid to talk
  • Getting nervous when you find it difficult to express yourself
  • Believing that it makes no sense to express yourself because most probably you will be misunderstood
  • Allowing others to dominate you verbally
  • Being afraid of conflicts in order to avoid controversy

How To Heal the Throat Chakra?

Every problem has a solution and there are certainly beneficial activities that will help you unblock your throat chakra or improve its functionality:

  • Warm up your voice 7 times a day with soft musical notes
  • Write letters (even if you do not send them, what matters is to express yourself, put on paper everything you want to say to someone, good or bad)
  • Read a text out loud
  • Have a dialogue with your inner child – in writing or verbally, out loud or in your head
  • Keep your palms on your ears for a few minutes
  • Neck exercises such as head rotation
  • Silence – Take a few moments a day where you are on your own, in silence
  • Be honest! When you’re afraid to express yourself, make an effort and say honestly what you have to say. Just speak from your heart and everything will be fine!
  • Express your creativity! Develop your hobbies
  • Respiration exercises where you deeply inhale and exhale (Try Ujjayi Breathing techniques)
  • Sing as often as you can

Although there may be various reasons that could affect the throat chakra, it is recommendable to recognize the signs of blockage. You need to identify the real cause and develop a personalized set of solutions that could help you overcome the obstacles.

If you have previously experienced difficulties in your Vishuddha chakra and have successfully healed it, please share your journey with us in the comments below.



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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Abdullah

    I was pleased to read your article which I found helpful. As a child, I experienced my fair share of being yelled at, and it has only become clear lately when I experienced my spiritual awakening that I have unresolved issues connected to my childhood, and in this article, I can relate to the signs of blockage. One thing I used and still do that helps me is talking to myself out loud, and imagine having a conversation with someone. It helps me to be open with people, and it encourages me to say my truth without fear.

    Thank you for the very helpful content you put out.

    Be well.

  2. Maroussia

    I really enjoyed this article. I was looking for a specific topic and finding this article is exactly what I needed. It confirmed a lot for me. I need to really set myself up for success. My throat chakra is completely jammed and it’s even getting to my health. I have been dealing with a series of “infections” on my right side on my body and I don’t know think that doctors can help me any more than I can help myself at this point. I mean that, this article has confirmed toe that I need to speak up. Someone gave me a reading today, and the throat chakra card was picked. The aider also suggested lapiz lazuli stone as a remedy for my blockage. This event today, as well as reading this article has been truly eye-opening. I was also bullied in school and the topic has been brought up again recently, although it has been over a decade ago. And I don’t believe that things just happen randomly. We are definitely being encouraged in different directions, by different energies all the time. At least, that’s what I feel like. Thank you for feeling right at exactly the right time.

    I have question that is coming to mind right now. You wrote that lying would negatively impact our throat chakra. What happens if you have to “lie” for work? I spend a lot of time at work apologizing for things I judge are not my fault. I write a lot of e-mails, and text messages to apologize. I verbally apologize on the phone as well, and it is to be expected as this is part of my job. Given that those apologies aren’t sincere (because in reality, I apologize because it’s part of my job (but I don’t associate my job with myself)) , am I hurting my throat chakra everytime I lie and make fake apologies all day because of the work I do?

    Maybe this is a silly question but, my throat chakra is blocked and I think I need to use my ressources.

    Thank you for this article

    1. Toni

      also balance the manipura (chakra near the navel area)

  3. Steve

    thanks a lot for the article. I feel that the blockage could be dealt with on many levels, energetically but psychologically too. It is very important to find the real cause of the problem so that we can work on it openly and truthfully. Healing the chakras are key but a great therapist is very important too. Mind, Body, and Soul. Therapy, chakras, and energy work.

  4. SNEHA

    it was very nice to read ur article. the informations are very useful. THANK YOU

  5. TONI

    About 7 years ago, I was in a relationship with a very controlling loser that was also very obsessive. I had been wanting to break up with him for months. I had also had laryngitis for months. I was losing my voice. Over and over again. Once I broke up with him and he wasn’t in my house anymore, my voice was back again.

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