Verbal-linguistic intelligence is the ability to effectively understand and use language. Here are six great ways to improve your verbal-linguistic intelligence.

Verbal-linguistic intelligence is one of Howard Gardner’s Nine multiple intelligences. It concerns the ability to understand and use spoken and written language effectively. Writers, poets, lawyers, politicians and speakers are among those that Gardner sees as having high linguistic intelligence.

Gardner was a professor in the Harvard University education department. He felt that the traditional way of measuring intelligence was too limited. His argument was that people have a range of abilities and talents, not just intellectual capabilities.

For this reason, he developed the multiple intelligence theory and wrote a book called “Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences“.

The 8 intelligences he identified are as follows:

1. Visual-Spatial Intelligence

An ability to visualizing things. Being good with maps, charts, plans and diagrams.

2. Verbal-Linguistic intelligence

An ability to use words effectively both in writing and speaking. An ability to easily understand written work.

3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Good ability to reason, recognize patterns and logically analyze problems.

4. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Good at performing bodily movements such as sport and dancing. Excellent hand-eye coordination.

5. Musical Intelligence

People with strong musical intelligence have a strong appreciation for music. They are good at thinking in rhythms and sounds and can compose and perform music to a high standard.

6. Interpersonal Intelligence

Individuals who are strong in interpersonal intelligence show an ability to communicate well with others and an ability to understand and interact with different people.

7. Intrapersonal Intelligence

Individuals who are strong in intrapersonal intelligence tend to be self-aware and enjoy self-reflection.

8. Naturalistic Intelligence

According to Gardner, individuals who are high in this type of intelligence are more in tune with nature and are often interested in nurturing and exploring the environment.

Of course, we may be born with certain intelligences, however, our abilities are not set in stone. Even someone with a strong musical intelligence will have to learn to read music and practice an instrument. And if we are not particularly good at a certain intelligence, we can enhance our abilities through certain exercises and lots of practice.

Here are 6 ways to improve your verbal-linguistic intelligence:

1. Keep a daily journal

Writing regularly is the best way to improve your writing skills. If you write in your journal every day, you will soon see an improvement in how you express yourself. Of course, no one else has to see what you have written if you choose to keep it private.

In addition, writing in a journal can also improve other intelligences, especially intrapersonal intelligence as it enhances your ability to be self-aware and introspective.

2. Read a variety of books, magazines and articles.

The second most effective way to improve your verbal-linguistic intelligence is by reading widely. Ideally, you should choose reading that challenges you a little. Try to read a variety of styles and a range of different subjects and genres.

You could also try writing a review when you have finished to help you practice articulating what you have learned.

3. Have conversations at the dinner table

The third most effective way of improving your linguistic intelligence is by conversing with others. Use every opportunity to talk to a variety of other people and learn about their ideas, experiences and opinions. This means no TV or cell phones at the dinner table!

3. Play word games

Playing word games is another great way to improve your verbal-linguistic intelligence. Try Boggle, Scrabble or Bananagrams to name just a few.

Playing games with others is also a great way to practice your communication skills and learn from the knowledge and ideas of others.

4. Solve crosswords and other word puzzles

Crosswords and other puzzles are a great way to fill in any spare time you have when waiting for an appointment or to pick up the kids from an activity.

You can improve your linguistic intelligence instead of wasting time or scrolling through social media. Get yourself a crossword book or find an app that you like.

5. Write letters

It is rare that we have any need to write a letter these days. However, letter writing is a great way to improve your composition skills. Many famous writers from the past are known to have been prolific letter writers.

Write a letter to a family member or a friend you don’t see very often. Older relatives may particularly appreciate a letter.

6. Learn a new word every day

Learning a new word every day is a great way to improve your vocabulary and make you a more effective and articulate speaker and writer. Many dictionary websites have a word of the day and you can subscribe to receive it.

For example, the Merriam-Webster dictionary word of the day to day is orgulous, which means proud. I had no idea! Learning interesting words is also great fun and can change the way you think.

Closing thoughts

As well as specifically working on our linguistic intelligence we can also improve these skills by working on other intelligences as the intelligences are all connected. So even when you are practising math or listening to music or walking in nature, you will still enhance your verbal-linguistic intelligence.

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