Professor Boris Koch of the Institute for Polar Research (Germany) together with a team of other scientists discovered that the water at the molecular level might keep a “memory” of all organic life forms that have existed in it.

This discovery was made with the help of a powerful mass spectrometer which can accurately decipher the structure of each molecule.

The scientists found organic molecules in water and managed to determine what living organisms they belong to and for how long they have been in it. The exact atomic structure of each molecule can help identify what species it belonged to. There were many such “traces of life” in the water, so they were called “molecular memory of water“.

Surprisingly, the organic matter should quickly and completely dissolve in water to water, carbon dioxide, and other gases. However, the study showed a different picture.

It seems that somehow, organic molecules are stored in water, and this is still a mystery to scientists, an explanation to which they have to find.

Why does the water acquire the properties of infinitesimal doses of medication dissolved in it?

As recent studies show, the molecular structure of water, in contrast with one of the crystals, can be easily changed by any external influences. Hydrogen bonds are easily formed between water molecules, through which the water forms a kind of “conglomerates”, or molecular structures.

With the use of the latest technology, the water was cleared from all impurities. When its molecular structure was studied, it turned out that only 3% was presented by separate molecules H2O, not related to anything, while 80% was super-giant molecules similar to clear geometric shapes.

Each super-molecule consists of 57 water molecules.

Every 16 super-molecules form so-called clusters, similar to pieces of ice. These clusters are the basic elements of water. The most interesting is that these clusters are quite stable and do not break down even at the boiling point. Therefore, they do not form relationships with each other and remain independent entities.

In pure water, clusters are in quite a chaotic state, while the impurities organize clusters in a certain way. When there are other molecules in water, clusters are oriented around them in various shapes and affect all other clusters due to the effect of attraction and repulsion between them.

Thus, the clusters form large complex patterns, each of which is a structure that brings information on the impact exerted by the water. That is why even if we completely remove a medication from water, it preserves its original structure.

Scientists are open about the notion that the water might be a programmable storage media.

It seems that water might store any information because molecules in the clusters can be connected in various structures. Experiments have shown that the configuration of molecules changes very easily and quickly depending on the impact on it.

The most interesting is that as soon as the structure of a single cluster changes, all the other ones change accordingly. The information is transmitted almost instantaneously.

In turn, scientists from the U.S. found that clusters take the form of “Platonic solids” such as tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. It can be said that water is a liquid crystal because its molecules always have the correct geometric shape.

Experiments have also shown that if the impact is not powerful enough to convert the structure of all the water in the existing volume, then after 30-40 minutes the molecules return to their original state.

Thus, taking into consideration the results of the research, think about this. When you drink water, it could transmit all the information it contains to your body. So think about what water you are drinking and what it might bring with it…

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Anna

    ok, I will try

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