Did you know that there’s an ideal career waiting out there for you?

Regardless, of what baby boomers or other individuals against the “made for” theory would say, there’s no denying that how much you enjoy your work has a lot to do with your personality type.

That’s why experts have come up with so many personality tests such as the Myer’s Briggs Type Indicator, the MMPI, and several others based on the five-factor model.

I’m pretty sure Mother Teresa enjoyed doing what she thought was her “job” and the only way to attain success and happiness. It may not be the same for another individual who may think that success and happiness are attained when intelligence is used to excel and earn fame or fortune.

Luckily, Truity Psychometrics simplified this rather complex concept in an infographic describing four dimensions of personality and ideal careers for each of them. Let’s explore them all!

  • Energy style: The energy style personality type comprises of two types: introverts and extroverts. While extroverts like working in teams and busy spaces, introverts prefer being energetic and busy on their own.
  • Thinking style: These people are contemplators. They like putting their mind to work to come up with new concepts. Sensors like “thinking” and working with concrete things such as machines, data, buildings, etc. The intuitives, on the other hand, like pondering over abstract concepts such as theories and ideas.
  • Values Style: Value style has thinkers and feelers. Thinkers like to add value to their work with their intelligence for personal benefits. Feelers are more altruistic. They prefer working in professions that uphold their values and beliefs, as well as helps others.
  • Life Style: Lifestyle people prefer choosing a profession that suits their lifestyle. Judgers like order in their life, which they fulfill with organization and management. Perceivers don’t mind being spontaneous and living a chaotic full of freedom and flexibility.

Here are some recommendations for the above personality types. Note that the personality types below have not considered the “lifestyle” perspective. Recommendations may vary based on a preferred lifestyle.


It turns out that extroverts and introverts that are also sensors and thinkers are “pragmatists”. Pragmatists like to use “logical systems to produce tangible results”.

People with this personality type make great supervisors, general managers, school administrators, accountant, logisticians, sales manager, financial advisors, building contractor, carpenter, mechanics, and more.


Extroverts and introverts that are sensors and feelers make good caretakers. Caretakers are people who love their work when they are somehow helping others or contributing to society.

Ideal professions include being a teacher, child care director, social worker, recreation director, receptionist, surveyor, etc.


Both extroverts and introverts who are intuitive and thinkers make good theorists. Theorists are people who can come up with new ideas and inventions.

Ideal professions include being driven directors, attorneys, engineers, architects, software developers, judges, inventors, reporters, real estate agents, producer/directors, professors, mathematicians, scientists, and psychiatrists.


Empaths are similar to caretakers who like to make the world a better place, except that empaths are more intuitive rather than sensors. People who are extraverted or introverted, intuitive and feelers, make great empaths.

The best professions for them include inspiring guides, non-profit directors, health educators, ministers, school counselors, writers, interior designers, veterinarian, recreational therapists, restauranteur, travel writers, pre-school teachers, landscape architects, animators, psychologists, librarian, authors, fine artists, and creative individualists.

ideal career for your personality type

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