4 Reasons Why Empaths and Highly Sensitive People Freeze Around Fake People

Empaths and highly sensitive people detect things in human behavior that others miss. Have you ever met someone that everyone else liked but who made you feel uncomfortable? Did someone ever give you a compliment that made you feel angry and irritable rather than happy? If you are an empath…

5 Practical Ways to Find Your Calling and Uncover Your Potential

If you want to find your calling and don't know where to start, here are five practical recommendations to help you out. Many are the times when we are usually confused about our preferences, potential and passion in life. Your calling in life may be that fundamental thing that you know…

3 Types of Anxiety Based on Different Types of Energy (and How to Deal with Each)

There are three types of anxiety that correspond to three types of energy. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and a nice breeze is blowing through the trees. You couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day. Yeah, this sounds cliché, but this is one of my favorite…

5 Ways to Learn How to Use the Power of Your Introvert Characteristics

Introvert characteristics can become your greatest asset if you learn to use their power. It often feels like this is an extrovert’s world. After all, you’re expected to market yourself, create a personal brand to sell yourself, and do a thousand other things in order to wrench the spotlight in…

How a Wandering Mind Makes You More Creative and Helps You Reach Your Goals

There are some pros and cons of having a wandering mind. I have stepped into the ocean. The cool waters lap against my legs and a breeze whips through my hair. I watch the white caps tumble further out in the chaotic churn and this makes me smile. I am…