Surprising Insights about Night People Vs. Morning People, Backed by Research

The latest research suggests that night people might actually be healthier, wealthier and wiser than morning people. Ben Franklin famously said, “early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” However, research suggests that it might be quite the opposite. In fact, night people could be more intelligent…

Cryogenic Freezing: the Present and Future of This Futuristic Technology

Science fiction has long been enthralled with the concept of cryogenic freezing. The genre has used it to facilitate space exploration, dystopian futures, and the machinations of criminal masterminds. Unfortunately, the reality has been somewhat underwhelming due to the limitations of the technology. With that said, 2017 promises to be…

People Change Drastically During Their Lifetime, a 63-Year-Long Study Has Revealed

Do people change that much between teenage years and old age? Yes, they do, and you might be surprised by the difference! Remember seeing that friend from high school and noticing how much he's changed? Maybe not, maybe you happened to see someone who hadn’t transformed at all. Well, if…

Anxiety Issues Are More Common in Highly Intelligent People, Studies Reveal

Are you someone who has anxiety issues? If so, your anxiety may have evolved alongside intelligence. “Anxiety, I will transform you into something useful and productive. I will not bow down to you.” Research has shown a correlation between anxiety and IQ based on higher activity levels throughout parts of…

Personality Psychology Reveals 10 Surprising Insights about Personality

These insights from personality psychology may seem surprising and weird at first, yet, they are based on actual scientific studies. With so many tests out there that measure personality traits, you would think that we pretty much know all there is to know about ourselves. But the science of personality…

Social Anxiety Disorder Could Be a Product of Genes, Study Finds

Social anxiety disorder shapes the lives of millions of people worldwide. Impairing social interactions, the condition has been previously connected to a number of psychological and environmental factors. According to new research, the disorder may be linked to genetic roots. Also known as social phobia, social anxiety disorder is the…