10 Traits That Separate Book Smart People From Genuinely Intelligent People

Intelligence is different from learning. Just because someone is not particularly book smart doesn’t mean they are of lower intelligence. What is book smart? Book smart generally means someone who has had a good education or has chosen to learn independently through educational activities such as reading, documentaries, and courses.…

Self-Criticism Seems Natural, but It’s Not – How to Recognize and Stop This Bad Habit

Self-criticism is a like second nature, once it gets started, it's easy to do. The good news is, you can break this unhealthy habit with just a few steps. Critical aspects of our character and image become clear to us as soon as we wake up each morning. That is,…

5 Surprising Signs of Being Mentally Strong (Backed by Science)

We may think of mentally strong people as being tough and unemotional. But other signs include crying, gratitude and taking responsibility for our lives. Here are five signs of being mentally strong that you might find surprising: 1. Practicing realistic optimism Positive thinking has been very popular recently, however, it…

Quantum Physics and the Separation of Consciousness During the Out-of-Body State

Leading neuroscientists all agree that the last great frontier in modern quantum physics lies in the area of consciousness. Two sides of the debate exist between reductionists, who seek to explain consciousness as a product of sufficiently complex systems, such as the brain, and fundamentalists, who assert the idea that…

9 Enneagram Types: Knowing Them Can Help You Understand Yourself & Others

Are you frustrated because you find it hard to relate to others? Understanding the Enneagram types will help you greatly. You will gain an understanding of others around you and your nature as well. But what is this mind-blowing tool and how does it work? What is its explanation of…

Avoidant Personality Disorder: What Happens When the Fear of Rejection Grows into Mental Illness

Avoidant personality disorder (APD) is not just the everyday worries that the majority of us suffer from. We all fear rejection and embarrassment in social situations, these are classed as normal feelings, but what if you had a lifelong and deeply ingrained fear of being rejected that was so rooted…