5 Benefits of Slow Thinking, According to Science

In a world where everything inexorably requires us to speed up, most people’s intuition tells them that being faster is better. However, according to research, our intuition may not always be as good as we think it is. Moreover, thinking slow may have several benefits over fast thinking in a…

Personality in the Workplace: 9 Most Difficult Types

Over the years, I’ve worked in a lot of different jobs. From factory floors to secretarial roles, it doesn’t seem to matter which. There’s always one personality in the workplace that gets on everyone’s nerves. And that gave me an idea. There must be specific personality types in the workplace…

Communication Problems Introverts Have & How to Overcome Them

Being an introvert is never easy. It’s exhausting to go about your day sometimes. Communication problems plague every conversation. Every interaction brings up thoughts of self-doubt, self-consciousness and more often than not, fear of embarrassment. Of course, not every introvert has social anxiety. However, even the most socially confident introverts…

4 Most Interesting Theories of Intelligence in Psychology

Intelligence and how we gain it has been a puzzle for centuries, but there are four theories in psychology I think you’ll find most interesting. Psychologists have been trying to define intelligence for centuries, but many disagree on what intelligence really is. This has led to the development of many…