We often tell ourselves lies that leave us sabotaging our own happiness. And we are not even aware that we do.

Here are a few lies you might be telling yourself and thus are preventing yourself from being happy:

1. “I would have been happier if I worked less”

Our minds often tend to come up with this argument when we think that we would be happier if we did not have to work. We imagine a life full of joys and falsely assume that this would make us happier. However, the reality is that idleness is often the main cause of boredom and depression.

We are hardworking and creative by nature. We have to solve problems and improve ourselves in order to be happy. Get up and put your heart and soul into something meaningful to you and you will see your own happiness greatly improve!

2. “It’s not me, it’s them”

Our mind is trying to make us believe that our unhappiness is caused by the people around us – our spouses, parents, etc. We are quick to throw accusations and complaints here and there. Of course, it takes two to tango, and just as often as we blame others, we feel guilty for the misfortune of other people.

We need to take responsibility for our lives and do everything possible to improve the situation. When we take responsibility for our lives, we create a solid foundation for our true happiness.

3. “In order to be happy, I need to know the secret of happiness”

Most likely, there are no secrets to happiness or success. No matter how strongly self-help books, best-selling authors, and our own minds try to convince us, there is no secret key to open the door to our own happiness.

Instead, you can create a vision of your perfect future, shape your own strategy, and then persistently and diligently work on achieving it. There are no shortcuts or secrets to the goals you are trying to achieve. By admitting this, you will advance much further along the path to a fulfilling life than by trying to find an elusive recipe for happiness.

4. “If only I had…”

Our mind is trying to make us believe that we would be happier if we had the right job, the right house, the right car, or something like that. There is nothing wrong with wanting the best of things and circumstances, but it does not automatically make us happy.

These things can make you feel good for some time, but this effect quickly fades away. Anyone who wants lasting happiness must realize that the ‘vessel’ of wants and desires is bottomless, and it can never be filled to the top.

5. “I love what I have and do not want any changes”

By allowing ourselves to think this way, we create conditions for a quick failure. Life is a journey with constant changes. Some of them can be controlled, but some of them cannot.

Resistance to change or your attempts to take control of everything are doomed to failure. Change is inevitable. You have to accept it and learn to navigate through a continuous stream of changes. The ability to adapt is very important for overall happiness.

6. “If something did not happen to me, it never will”

Our mind often falls into despair and frustration when we are only a few steps away from success. Perseverance is very important when it comes to achieving happiness. Never let your mind trick you with these defeating lies. You do not know what tomorrow will bring you.

7. “I can just avoid those things that I hate doing”

Typically, this applies to complex tasks when our mind is trying to convince us to behave this way. Unfortunately, this can often be something that can bring the greatest reward for us.

What are the things you are putting off? Why? Procrastination and avoidance of important things you need to accomplish only delay the moment of happiness coming into your life. Do something about your goals and you will add more fuel to the fire of your happiness.

8. “The world is dangerous and something awful is going to happen to me”

Our rational minds tell us that there are many things that are beyond our control. For example, natural disasters, crime, and economic crisis. Fear is a powerful emotion, which is used by our mind when it is trying to take control of our actions.

However, it makes no sense to be constantly focused on everything that could go wrong. By doing this, you prevent yourself from enjoying life.

These are just some of the lies that could sabotage your happiness. Is your mind telling you any of the above things?

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