Empath Child: Signs That Your Kid Is One and How to Help Them Thrive

It is vital to recognize and support an empath child if they are to be happy and grow up able to make the most of their gift. Empathy is not always an easy gift to have. Many adult empaths remember being labeled as needy, over-sensitive and emotional when they were children. When we are not…

If You Feel Uncomfortable around These 5 Types of People, Then You Are Probably an Empath

Empaths are hypersensitive to the moods and motives of other people. This means they feel uncomfortable when others behave in inauthentic ways. Because empaths are so sensitive, they can pick up subtle clues about what another person is thinking or feeling. This means they find it difficult to be around certain kinds…

7 Reasons Emotional Release Is Crucial for Your Mental Health (and How to Do It)

Repressing or bottling up emotions can be bad for our health and wellbeing. Instead, we should aim to find emotional release for our negative feelings. Many of us suppress our emotions for a variety of reasons. We may not have felt safe expressing strong emotions in childhood, or we may…

Why Being Soft-Hearted in the Modern World Is a Strength, not a Weakness

In a society where aggression and independence are revered, soft-hearted people are sometimes viewed with suspicion. But kindness can be a superpower. Our society makes a big deal of people who achieve physical acts of courage like climbing mountains or risking their lives to save others. But there is a…

8 Albert Einstein Quotes That Offer Profound Insights about Life

Many Albert Einstein quotes show that this remarkable genius had important things to say, not only about science and mathematics but also humanity. Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, on March 14, 1879. He changed the field of physics forever with his special and general theories of relativity, which revolutionized…

Sense of Belonging Could Explain Why You Are Unhappy (and How to Achieve It)

Human beings have an inherent desire for a sense of belonging. Connection makes us feel happy and secure while feeling rejected causes unhappiness and pain. Why do humans need a sense of belonging? Feeling like we belong is a human need, just like the need for food and shelter. When…

Feel Exhausted All the Time? 3 Spiritual and Psychological Reasons and Solutions for Your Tiredness

If you feel exhausted all the time, there may be a physical cause. However, some psychological and spiritual issues can also cause extreme fatigue. When you feel tired all the time, even after waking up from a good night’s sleep, then there is something in your life that you need…

7 Reasons Why Social Media Platforms Are Meant for Introverts

For an introvert, socializing can be exhausting. But social media platforms can help us stay connected while still allowing us enough downtime. Here are seven reasons social media platforms help introverts to stay connected and be more sociable. 1. We find interactions on social media less intimidating than face-to-face interactions…