You Have a Highly Analytical Mind If You Can Relate to These 10 Things

All of us use both intuitive and analytical thinking styles at times. However, some of us rely more on the analytical mind than others. Analytical thinkers use knowledge, facts, and information to make sure they get things right. Those with an analytical mind rarely jump to conclusions. They are knowledgeable…

Wise Zen Quotes That Will Alter Your Perception of Everything

Zen quotes can offer us a different perspective on life, ease our suffering and may even lead to sudden, life-changing enlightenment. Quotes can help us to learn from the wisdom of others. They can inspire us to be our best and happiest selves. I love to read quotes from successful and…

7 Reasons Emotional Sensitivity Is a Real Superpower

Emotional sensitivity can be hard to bear, however, used wisely, it can be a superpower that can change your life in amazing ways. Sensitivity can make life feel difficult. Emotionally sensitive people feel others' emotions, can be compulsive people-pleasers, are easily hurt and can be manipulated into putting others' needs before…

Your Intuitive Thinking Is Stronger Than Average If You Can Relate to These 6 Experiences

Many people experience intuitive thinking without realizing. The good news is that you can harness this gift to achieve extraordinary things in your life. Many people are not aware that they are capable of intuitive thinking. This is often because we have grown up in a rational or religious environment. We…