How to Answer Embarrassing Personal Questions the Way Intelligent People Do

Asking personal questions can feel awkward. There are ways, however, to ask these questions from an intellectual standpoint, and create a comfortable environment for all. Some say it’s rude to ask personal questions, and it can be. There are circumstances that require asking a personal question or cases where it’s…

How to Help Someone with Anxiety Deal with Their Fears and Feel Better

If you want to help someone who struggles with anxiety, you have to learn patience first. The fears of anxiety are crippling and aren’t so easy to eliminate. I think one of the worst mental disabilities is the anxiety disorder. Of course, that’s just my opinion, considering I suffer from…

The Vicious Cycle of Emotional Manipulation and How to Break the Pattern

The worst part of emotional manipulation is not feeling and going through this struggle. No, the most horrible part of enduring this abuse is repeating it with others. I’m going to be honest with you, I have endured emotional manipulation since as far back as I can remember. No, there…

8 Unexpected Things to Help with Depression, According to Science

There are many things to help with depression, and most of us are familiar with these practices. However, there are a few unexpected techniques which may surprise you. If you have depression, I know you’re tired of everyone telling you to be more positive and not worry so much. Yes,…

7 Ways Feeling Unloved May Have Roots in Your Childhood

Adults sometimes find themselves feeling unloved, and they often look for answers in their surroundings or various influences. The answer, however, could come from their past. Personally, I have abandonment issues, along with all the other quirks, personality flaws, and disorders that I also endure. For many years, I struggled…