Are Extroverts Really Happier Than Introverts? Here Is What Science Has to Say

Psychologists agree, in theory, that extroverts are happier people than introverts. While happiness doesn't have a universal meaning, we find that in general, this statement is true, and various studies from the past few decades prove it. Here is some evidence that supports the notion that extroverts tend to be…

9 Common Stereotypes about Anxiety We Are Sick of Being Labeled with

There is a lack of understanding when it comes to anxiety. Common stereotypes are enabling mental health stigma. While dealing with a mental disability, which includes the debilitating symptoms of anxiety, I have learned how common stereotypes govern how I'm viewed. It’s not just about calling people “crazy” or labeling…

Dissociative Identity Disorder or Possession? Abused Children Experiment with Astral Projection

Could dissociative identity disorder be connected to astral projection? Are we leaving our bodies and experiencing possession? I would like to approach my topic from three directions and see if they meet in the middle. Would you like to take the journey with me? When I speak of making connections,…

How to Control the Amygdala of Your Brain to Turn off Your Anxiety

Is there a possibility that you can turn off your anxiety? The part of the brain called the amygdala can function like a power switch for anxiety, studies show. Most people like to think that depression is a sadness, but in reality, it is about a terrible emotional pain that includes…