What Kept the Universe Stable After the Big Bang?

We understand that the Big Bang created the universe, but how did existence remain stable after the Big Bang? This question creates other questions about why particles didn’t disintegrate after this monumental explosion. What held existence altogether? What force kept dust in certain areas, forming planets and suns in vast numbers?…

There May Be a Parallel Universe That Is Moving Backwards in Time

There are many things that we know about time and many other things that we still struggle to comprehend. Time, as we previously understood the concept, moves forward and forward alone. There are ways that allow for time travel, rather extensive ways that take a stretch of the imagination.  Have…

Practicing Kindness Can Change Your Brain, New Study Suggests

Being compassionate is thought to be a personality trait that only some of us have. The ability to ignore suffering and turn a blind eye toward the needy is just as commonplace as compassion and causes more suffering. If only everyone would provide an even level of compassion, the world…