Bystander Effect: Are We Subconsciously Unable to Help Those in Need?

Today, there have been many stories of people that have just sat back and watched as a tragedy happened and did not intercede to help someone. From schoolhouse bullying to neighborhood violence, there tend to be those bystanders that just do not help at all. Are these people just as…

Pet Psychology: Is Getting to Know Your Neighbors Easier with Pets?

It has already been documented that having pets is related to positive benefits in a person’s physical and mental health. Pets are used as service dogs, not only for the blind, but for those that have anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and in prison rehabilitation programs. However, recent research shows that…

The Dawn of Artificial Intelligence in the Modern World

Technology has developed through the implementation of innovative ideas to supplement outdated methods of approaching technical problems. This has played a great part in saving time, costs, and promoting the overall production in the manufacturing industries. Reflecting on the definition, it is agreeable that artificial intelligence (A.I.) is the intelligence…

Where Are Intelligent Aliens? A New Solution for the Fermi Paradox

The recent discovery of a great number of potentially habitable exoplanets raises the Fermi paradox again: why haven’t we still come into contact with intelligent aliens? Climatologists might have finally given a plausible answer. The great physicist of the 20th century Enrico Fermi, when asked about the possibility of the…