Controversial Theory Suggests Humans Do Not Come from Earth

In another article, we discussed the possibility that Earth is a prison planet with the Moon as its guardian. Suddenly, Dr. Ellis Silver stipulates a theory that corroborates the prison part of that article. Furthermore, Dr. Silver’s theory comes to give credit to older theories maintaining that the human being is…

Controversial Theory: Is Earth a Prison Planet and the Moon – Its Guardian?

Isaac Asimov suggested a long time ago that the Moon is not a natural astral body. Now, certain people believe that Asimov’s calculations were right and the gravitational features of the Moon are not just abnormal. They are the exact numbers required so that the Moon does not escape from…

Remote Neural Monitoring: Is It Possible to Spy on Someone’s Thoughts?

How many times did you have thoughts that you never wanted to share with anyone and have been constantly worried at the thought of someone ever finding out about these thoughts? All of us have been through this process, and the new and improved technologies being developed around the world,…

The Recombinant DNA Controversy: Where Will Genetic Engineering Lead Us?

DNA. Officially known as deoxyribonucleic acid. Also otherwise known as the building block of life. The substance that is unique to each individual and is the basis of forensics to identify culprits. For some dogmatic people, the one thing that science was never supposed to touch and experiment with. Yet,…

Stephen Hawking: Higgs Boson Could Destroy the Universe

It seems that Dr. Hawking has a lot to say about the scientific discovery of Higgs Boson. His statement that this discovery made physics more boring, has been followed by a rather ominous statement that this discovery in the wrong hands could prove fatal and destroy the universe. Hawking explains…

US Physicist Claims That Black Holes Do Not Exist & Are Mathematically Impossible

The term “black hole” refers to regions in space formed when a star dies and collapses under the pressure of its own gravity to a single point in space called a singularity. The gravitational forces on a specific singularity are so intense that even the light cannot escape them, and…