A healthy mind in a healthy body: mental health problems and solutions, scientific findings, and interesting facts on psychology and mental health. Incredible hypotheses about the human conscious and subconscious mind.
When someone is disrespectful to you, this can mean many things. They can lie to you, belittle you, or even call you names. We should never tolerate this. Disrespect comes in many forms. It varies and ranges from low-intensity behavior (uncivil) to high-intensity behavior (physical). So, when someone is disrespectful…
One of my favorite TV programs is ‘Everyone Loves Raymond’. It reminds me of our family. When we grew up, my brother was the favorite child, so I can relate to the toxic rivalry of brothers Robert and Raymond. However, comedy show aside, research indicates that favoring one child over…
Mental health apps attempt to bridge the gap between professional support and those in need of mental and emotional healthcare. However, are these apps doing more harm than good? While society may not be perfect, when it comes to mental health care, it's much better than in the past. For…
Have you ever felt like someone is pretending to care about you? Well, if you have, there’s a chance you could be right. Not all people have good intentions. I live in the southern United States, and I can tell you from experience that some people are just pretending to…
Daughters who blame their mothers for everything are losers, right? I mean, as an adult, at what point do you take responsibility for your own actions? But can we ever get over trauma or neglect from childhood? Is it right to still carry anger or damage from childhood into adulthood?…
Before you sell yourself short, think twice. Despite what they say, you are smarter than people think. There are signs that prove this. Did you ever consider that you are smarter than people think? You could actually be smarter than you give yourself credit for as well. Those who are…
Emotionally intelligent people have an unseen arsenal. Well, they have the ability to logically charm and reason their way through almost any issue. I think the major trick used by emotionally intelligent people is self-control. They have so much self-control that negative situations don’t automatically shake their deepest feelings. Arguments…
Artificial intelligence (AI) has dynamically entered diverse sectors. This has unlocked fresh opportunities for creativity and enhanced productivity. However, this transformative wave has also sparked a sense of unease among a significant portion of the workforce. For people of certain professions, the advent of AI isn’t merely a technological development.…