How to become a happier and better person? Personal development tips and techniques to improve your personality traits and change your attitude.

7 Signs You Need an Attitude Adjustment (and What to Do about It)

Life. It happens. And as we progress through it, we have wonderful successes, some abysmal failures, and lots of stuff in between these two extremes that we define as okay, pretty good, not-so-good, or neutral. Sometimes, when we go through a period of not-so-good with a few abysmal failures thrown…

How to Stop Overthinking and Live a More Carefree Life

If you wonder how to stop overthinking, you may want to consider the following solutions, which may sound obvious but are actually effective. Everybody overthinks. It’s human nature. Whether you consider yourself a positive or negative person, an introvert or an extrovert, a worrier or a calm soul, chances are…

10 Things You Need to Stop Doing to Your Life If You Want to Be Happy

Life is not constant. The world around us changes constantly. How we develop our situations depends largely on how we perceive life. It is how we respond to our situations that matter. There is nothing like a bad experience. It is just that we are either too narrow-minded or too…

5 Life Hacks for Introverts That Will Make Their Life Easier

Let’s be honest, us introverts have it a lot harder than the extroverts of the world. At times, we can experience crippling social anxiety, shyness and just a general feeling of wanting to be alone in a world full of other people. Whilst there are countless advantages to being an…

10 Traits of Genuinely Smart People (That Have Nothing to Do With Intelligence)

Not so long ago, researchers discovered that smartness does not equal intelligence. Intelligence is systematically measurable and defined as an ability to acquire new knowledge and skills and to use them. On the other hand, smartness is a collection of often counter-intuitive traits that help you reach your goals through…

7 Psychological Reasons Why People Can’t Always Be Happy

Happiness is a complex topic. Why are some people happy in spite of bad circumstances, while others are always unhappy in spite of good circumstances? What role does attitude play in happiness? Let’s take a look at 7 reasons why people can't always be happy. 1. They Simply Choose not…

3 Truly Effective Ways to Find Peace Within Yourself

In the race of becoming rich, we have absolutely forgotten to take care of ourselves. I understand that money means a lot these days. But, do you think that it can buy happiness? Of course not, happiness is something that comes naturally. Being a business owner and motivational speaker, I…