What secrets does the human brain hide? Latest discoveries in neuroscience & cognitive science and unbelievable facts about the human brain
Dr. Joe Dispenza was one of the first researchers to study the effect of consciousness on reality from a scientific point of view. His theory on the relationship between matter and consciousness brought him worldwide fame after the release of a documentary. A key claim by Dispenza is that the…
It's incredible how an individual’s subconscious can be influenced. But what's more powerful is how the nocebo effect and the placebo effect come into play. Since the subconscious mind is what controls our body and our whole life, through suggestion, we may have many interesting events happening - some pleasant,…
Using imaging tools and computer analysis, Japanese scientists could determine the images appearing in the dreams of a group of test subjects with 60% accuracy. In essence, the researchers were able to read dreams from the participants' minds! A group of researchers at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology…
Have you ever found yourself stuck in an unexplained feeling of disconnection and eeriness when being faced with some seemingly familiar situation or thing? You could have had jamais vu. The term jamais vu is used by psychologists and neuroscientists to define a mental effect in which a familiar situation…
Implanting false memories is one of the favorite themes for science fiction books and movies (such as Total Recall) and is certainly one of the gloomiest scenarios. Thriller movies do not ignore this concept either, keeping audiences breathless, but the reader (or viewer) feels detached from the adventure because they…
In the science fiction movie Men in Black, agents K and J were able to “clear” the memory of the unfortunate witnesses, thanks to a flash produced by a small portable gadget, to protect the secrecy of alien activity on Earth. Now, in a paper published in the journal Science,…
A U.S. journalist claims that the CIA conducted a secret experiment with LSD, the well-known psychedelic drug, on the residents of the small picturesque French town of Pont-Saint-Esprit, by putting the drug in bread flour. The story played out in the summer of 1951, when the "cursed bread" (as the…
Everyone knows what deja vu is, but not everyone has heard about more specific types of deja vu such as deja vecu, deja senti, or deja visite. First of all, what is called “deja vu” is not, in reality, deja vu, but only a type of it. According to psychologist…