Uncommon science: eye-opening scientific findings and impressive technological advances. Interesting facts and thought-provoking theories about Human, Earth and the Universe

The Origin of Halloween and Its Forgotten Ancient Roots

Halloween brings jack-o-lanterns, candy, and decorations, but, do we really know anything about this holiday's origin? The history of the beginning of Halloween is debated among many people, groups and spiritualists. So, you might say that Halloween has more than one origin. The historical origins are usually considered the absolute…

What Mind Illusions and Magic Tricks Reveal about Human Perception

The way we see and the way we think about things can be changed due to mind illusions. You will question what you’re experiencing. The way magic tricks work reveals many interesting things about our perception. As a child, I loved to watch magic tricks. I was astounded by objects…

Presque Vu: An Annoying Mental Effect You Have Probably Experienced

Déjà vu is a common experience, but presque vu is another mental phenomenon you may have experienced, even if you don’t know it. Déjà vu is a familiar phenomenon, which, translated literally, means ‘already seen.’ We feel as if we've been to a place before. Or, we've experienced a situation…

What Is Emotional Hijacking? How to Recognize It and Deal with It

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by a situation that your normal reasoning processes are bypassed and you react in an irrational way? If so, you may have fallen victim to emotional hijacking. Emotional hijacking is a state where our emotions interfere with the functioning of our brain to the…

The Psychology of Fight-or-Flight Response and How to Make It Work for You

Anyone who has suffered from anxiety or panic attacks will undoubtedly have heard of the fight-or-flight response. It’s a rush of adrenalin you get that prepares your body to flee a dangerous scenario or stay and defend yourself. So how can we use the psychology of fight-or-flight response to our…

Spearman Theory of Intelligence and What It Reveals

The Spearman Theory of Intelligence was a revolutionary psychological theory which revolutionized how we measure intelligence. Human intelligence has always been of interest to psychologists who seek to understand human understanding.  There have been many theories of intelligence which attempt to measure it in an analytical way. In the early…