Mysteries of our world and beyond it. Is there life after death? Are there other worlds and dimensions? Are we alone in the universe? Articles in this category are of a speculative nature and aim to entertain your mind with unusual theories, thought experiments, and possibilities.

Poltergeist: What Are the Causes of This Mysterious Phenomenon?

Translated from the German, the word "poltergeist" means "noisy spirit". This term is used to describe all sorts of noises and spontaneous movements of objects around the house without any rational explanation. The poltergeist phenomenon is studied by parapsychologists. However, modern science takes parapsychology lightly. Today, we will talk about…

Clairvoyance: Is There Any Evidence That It Is Real?

Clairvoyance: these messages from the secret channels of the mind are images suddenly making their appearance to warn us about the future… Many abilities of the human brain still remain hidden from scientists. Yet, only a small percentage of human potential has been known after years of research and much effort. This gives us insight into just…