Clairvoyance: these messages from the secret channels of the mind are images suddenly making their appearance to warn us about the future…

Many abilities of the human brain still remain hidden from scientists. Yet, only a small percentage of human potential has been known after years of research and much effort. This gives us insight into just how monumental the human brain really is. Take clairvoyance, for instance, there is no real indication of just how much we know and understand.

At times, we hear about people who claim to have more advanced mind’s abilities and can “see” outside and beyond the material world. They say that they are able to perceive things and situations without using the five known senses. These people claim to see a canvas of images of events that have not yet taken place and are just pieces of the puzzle of the Future.

Clairvoyance in religion and culture

Within church circles, the phenomenon of clairvoyance is not denied, but this gift is believed to be given to people who live an ascetic life. Therefore, the purity of the soul and obedience to divine commands are required to be given this power from God.

Thus, the Church explains why monks who spend most of their time praying and live a severely ascetic way of life have the ability to “see” beyond the present. From the mystical point of view, they have overcome the material level of existence and evolved within the astral one.

The major part of esoterics, in their turn, claims that all people have the ability of clairvoyance, but not all have access to it. Few are those who attempt to practice and are able to ‘activate’ it. In this view, enormous amounts of patience and perseverance are required. So the clairvoyance develops according to the effort that one has made.

According to religions such as Buddhism, clairvoyance is one of the highest gains of meditation. Those who have reached this level, feel other people’s magnetic fields. There are several stages of clairvoyance: from “scanning” other people’s physical states to being able to experience their emotions.

Now, let’s try to find out what clairvoyance is and whether it exists.

Is clairvoyance real?

The ability to see things, people, and events that are going to take place in the future, or clairvoyance, is a controversial phenomenon. There is no solid evidence to prove that clairvoyance exists. However, many people believe that it is real and some even claim to have unknown sensory abilities.

Clairvoyance caused much controversy in academic circles regarding what science will accommodate this phenomenon. Eventually, this responsibility fell on parapsychology, a science that does not share the same fate as the accepted sciences.

It is classified as pseudoscience, and most scholars do not even accept the existence of the phenomena it studies. In the same way, there are many people who doubt the reality of clairvoyant ability.

Clairvoyance is a phenomenon that falls under the category of ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), which in turn, is studied by parapsychology.

The term ESP owes its birth to German researcher Dr. Rudolf Tischner, who first used it in his work Über Telepathie und Hellsehen, Experimentaltheoretische Untersuchungen: Bergmann, Munich 1920 (“Telepathy and Clairvoyance, Research in experimental stage“).

The term ESP is now used to express all the parapsychological phenomena that are directly related to the operation of our senses. Instead, phenomena such as telekinesis are not included within this definition as they relate to our kinetic function.

Despite the fact that extrasensory phenomena had never been taken seriously in scientific circles, there were researchers who tried to explain what really happens in people who claim to manifest such abilities.

In 1930, researcher J. Rhine, at Duke University in the U.S, tried to introduce statistical methods for measuring the phenomena of clairvoyance, intuition, and prognosis. Although many of the participants of the experiment were found to be lying, there were some who could correctly guess ESP cards in more than statistical probabilities.

There are still so many unanswered questions

But this did not seem to end the harsh criticism of the parapsychological phenomena, and other scientists such as mathematician Shannon W. Weaver denied the validity of the results.

Now, in the 21st century, the only thing we can say is that the battle between parapsychology and science still exists. The conflict between the elasticity of perception and the rigorous rationalism will continue to concern us…

Does clairvoyance really exist? Maybe it does or maybe not. Right now, there is no firm proof that clairvoyance is real. Is it possible to obtain solid evidence of this phenomenon beyond a shadow of a doubt? I’m not so sure.

One thing is for certain, our brains have much more to reveal to us in the future.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. curious

    I bumped into your blog while searching for something peculiar .In some recent years I have experienced a strange phenoma , its just that if I really concentrated on something consciously or subconsciously it just happened and even when all the odds were against me wierdly enough I used to get what I was thinking about very very strongly and I personally never realised it until a friend of mine pointed it out to me and I am not sure what is it but I feel I have this strange power which I don’t know how to use …. Any advice from your end would be helpful

    1. Wes

      That is so strange! I too have had the feeling of having some strange “power” to make things happen if I put all my energy and “power” into whatever it may have been…. and then like yourself, all the odds stacked against whatever I was wanting to happen or get, I would get or it would happen.

      The only difference for me and its been like this since I can remember as a child, is that I have to put all my “energy/power/concentration” into the exact opposite of what it was I wanted. And thats how I could “make things happen.”

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