4 Reasons Why Highly Intelligent People Are Happier with Less Socialization

The idea that a high degree of socialization and intelligence don’t go together seems not just to be a popular perception but a fact. You know the typical crowd, "Wow, it's Friday night, what are you going to do? Just sit there?" Well, yeah. Because there's nothing out there. It's…

5 Science-Backed Ways Being Kind Can Boost Your Health

Being kind and compassionate to others turns out to be good for our health, according to recent studies. As humans, we all want to know the secret to good health. We know the basics: eat right, take vitamins, exercise, and get enough sleep. What most people don’t realize, however, is…

Which Mix of the Big Five Personality Traits Are You?

All of us have different personalities. However, psychologists believe that all of our personalities are actually a mixture of Big Five personality traits. The theory suggests that everyone has these key traits. However, each individual has a different amount of each. The traits work on a sliding scale with, for example,…

People Who Love Reading Have These 10 Advantages Over Those Who Don’t

People who love reading have major advantages over those who don't. Once you look at the information, you'll understand that reading is a serious business. In fact, not many people love reading. 50% of US adults are unable to read a grade 8 level book, 42% of college graduates will…