How Theta Waves Boost Your Intuition & Creativity and How to Generate Them

Brain waves are a measurement of neural activity in our brain. Our brains produce several types of waves, so why are scientists and psychologists so interested in theta waves? Before we delve into theta waves, let’s quickly explore the five types of brainwaves. When we perform certain actions the neurons…

5 Types of Internal Conflict and How to Resolve Them & Make Wise Decisions

What is an internal conflict? An internal conflict is a psychological struggle whereby someone finds himself or herself in difficulty when making a decision during a personal situation. You are grappling with an internal conflict if you are caught between (usually two) choices that are conflicting desires. It is a…

Famous Psychics Known to Humanity throughout the Centuries

Throughout history, there have been incredible prophets and famous psychics who truly became eminent with their predictions and their awe-inspiring ability to identify hidden information. Daniel (of the Bible), the mystic Nostradamus, and Edgar Cayce are three well-known personalities who are distinguished by their ability to see the future. These…

The Nature of Reality and 4 Experiments That Show Reality Is an Illusion

As a species, the human race has evolved to the point where we ask ourselves fundamental questions to help make sense of our existence. One such question is, What is the nature of reality? If I asked you to explain what reality is, you might respond by saying that it…

10 Signs of Third Eye Opening and Practical Ways to Start It

The power of the third eye opening is something that everyone can really learn and feel. It gives you access to deeper knowledge. Today, there is a collective awakening that changes the limiting conditions of humanity. Unfortunately, the pineal gland is also prone to calcification due to processed foods and…

What Is the Subtle Body and an Exercise That Will Help You Reconnect with It

The subtle body is the subject of various teachings. Many of them centre around the body’s own psycho-spiritual connections. Spiritual beliefs include the notion that there are many subtle bodies in one person. Each of these corresponds to a separate plane of existence, which all finally culminate in the physical…