How to Find the Inspiration to Make Your Life Extraordinary

  “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”  - Goethe The quest for inspiration and self-improvement has evolved into an entire industry unto itself, with authors, public speakers and various celebrity profiles establishing healthy and extremely wealthy careers based…

How to Remember Dreams with These 8 Tips

If you're used to forgetting your dreams, there are techniques that can improve this. Our mysterious world teaches us how to remember dreams. In case you never knew, the area that's responsible for creating long-term memories, the prefrontal cortex, lies dormant when we are sleeping. This is why dreams are so hard to…

4 Most Common Dreams and What They Mean According to Psychology

Dreams: everyone has them. There are common dreams, however, themes that seem to repeat across gender, race, and nationality. What do they mean? Dreams and their interpretation are something that has preoccupied people since the beginning of history. This strange drama that goes on when we sleep, fascinates us just…