Why Emotional Resilience, Not Happiness, Is the Opposite of Depression (and How to Build It)

You might think that happiness is the opposite of depression, but it is not. It's emotional resilience and here is why. In hindsight, I have to say, it is rather obvious that they can’t be opposites. After all, opposites can’t follow that closely upon one another, can they? I mean,…

7 Struggles Only Highly Intelligent People Will Understand (and How to Overcome Them)

Being smart has huge benefits, but it isn’t always easy. Here are seven problems highly intelligent people often have and a few ways to overcome them. 1. Highly intelligent people can be under more pressure to achieve success For people who have always done well academically, there can be huge…

Here Is How Being Bad-Tempered and Grumpy Can Actually Be Good for You

Do you ever feel bad-tempered and grumpy? You will be surprised to learn that you can actually benefit from these negative emotions. We all aspire to be happy. Everywhere we go we receive advice about how to increase our happiness, be more positive and dream big. We seem to assume…

How Consumerism and Materialism of Modern Society Make Us Unhappy, Lonely and Unconfident

Research has associated consumerism and materialism with low self-esteem and the feelings of loneliness and unhappiness. A series of studies published in the journal, Motivation and Emotion showed that as people become more materialistic, their sense of wellbeing and purpose is reduced and if they become less materialistic, it rises.…

Here Is How Power Naps Can Make You More Creative and Productive

If you start taking power naps daily, you will feel more productive, energetic, healthy and even more creative, new studies suggest. The idea of being a stressed workaholic has been glamorised by the media, placing importance on having endless to-do lists and a frantic workspace as being the pinnacle of…