Why Deep People Often Feel Alone and Misunderstood (and What They Can Do about It)

Do you often feel alone and misunderstood by other people? Believe me, you are not the only one who feels this way. There are many people out there who feel alone and misunderstood and can even be underestimated by others because of certain personality traits. Paradoxically, these individuals are usually…

Loners Are Some of the Most Intellectual and Loyal People You’ll Ever Meet

Loners are some of the most intellectual and loyal people you would ever meet. In fact, their intelligence makes them capable of being content in solitude. That’s why I grow weary of all the negative talk about those who wish to enjoy time alone, away from the multitude. Being a…

Mood Disorders May Be the Cost of High Intelligence, Study Finds

Mood disorders and mental imperfections may stem from high intelligence and natural talent. The cost of intelligence, rumour has it, is insanity. Well, not exactly, but I got your attention so listen. First of all, I hope you don’t take offense of my use words like, ‘madness’ or ‘lunacy’. If…

3 Traits Narcissists Seek in Others – Are You a Potential Target?

One of the main personality traits narcissists are known for is that they have extremely high confidence and self-importance. However, there are also a range of other traits that are often overlooked when dealing with narcissism. Traits such as an excessive need for admiration, lack of empathy for others, arrogance,…

4 Powers That May Be Hiding Behind Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are commonly associated with being a purely negative thing. It’s no surprise, since anxiety, especially in its severe forms, can make one’s life difficult. Whatever type of anxiety disorder you may be suffering from, it’s for sure that it causes you troubles, making you unable to handle the…

8 Best Careers for Emotionally Intelligent People

There are some careers for emotionally intelligent people that require certain personality traits these people possess. In the past, people would assume that I.Q. was the best way to measure human intelligence and that those with a higher I.Q. were more likely to succeed by virtue of being more clever.…

Spiritually-Minded People May Be More Likely to Suffer from Anxiety Disorders

A study suggests that there might be a link between anxiety and being spiritually-minded. Many people in our oh-so-busy world suffer from General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which is regarded as a chemical imbalance based disability. Those who live with anxiety will attest to the horrifying bouts and painful attacks their…