4 Self-Development Tips That Will Help You Change Your Life

Chances are, if you’re a human being, at some point in your life you’ve looked into self-development. Whether it’s making your dreams come true, discovering who you are, where you lie on the introvert/extrovert spectrum or simply ways to be happier. You may not have consciously researched self-development but chances…

5 Life Hacks for Introverts That Will Make Their Life Easier

Let’s be honest, us introverts have it a lot harder than the extroverts of the world. At times, we can experience crippling social anxiety, shyness and just a general feeling of wanting to be alone in a world full of other people. Whilst there are countless advantages to being an…

7 Reasons People Who Enjoy Spending Time Alone Are More Likely to Be Successful

We all want to be successful, it’s human nature to strive to complete goals and achieve the lifestyle we have always dreamed of. It may seem like common sense that extroverts will be the most successful due to their outgoing, confident nature, but science is actually arguing that introverts are…

How to Guess Someone’s Personality Type

Have you ever heard about the Myers-Briggs classification of personality types? You can't really go about socializing properly until you are able to at least somewhat read others' personalities – this enables you to gauge potential responses and reactions to your actions. This is a human thing! Everyone does it,…

When You Learn to Enjoy Being Alone, 10 Amazing Things Will Happen

For some people, being alone is a struggle. Rather than feeling calm and serene, the lack of other people in their presence brings on feelings of anxiety, loneliness, and abandonment. If this describes your reaction to being alone, you may have simply never learned to adapt to solitude. Fortunately, you…