8 Introvert Hangover Symptoms and How to Avoid & Relieve Them

Feeling flat, exhausted, and emotional? You might just be suffering an introvert hangover. Here's how to treat your introvert hangover symptoms and get yourself back to feeling calm, energised, and happy. If you are an introvert, you have almost certainly experienced introvert hangover symptoms. It happens when you have spent…

If You Get Emotionally Tired with These 5 Things, You Must Be an Introvert

Introverts seem to have it hard. Not only are they uncomfortable in crowded parties and busy places, but they can also become emotionally tired from it. I’m talking about a phenomenon called The Introvert Hangover. To put it simply, The Introvert Hangover comes from when we are overstimulated or overwhelmed, either…

5 Reasons Why Meeting New People Is So Draining for Introverts and Empaths

Some people thrive on social interactions and meeting new people. However, for introverts and empaths, getting to know new people can be quite draining. Here's why. While extroverts gain energy from meeting people and being sociable, introverts gain their energy from time spent alone. This is why introverts find meeting…

Multiple Intelligence Theory: Which Type of Intelligence Is Your Strongest?

Intelligence is so much more than just how high your IQ is. According to multiple intelligence theory, there are many kinds of intelligence. Read on to find out which is your strongest. We often think of intelligence as our intellectual abilities. We also think our intelligence is inborn, easily measurable…

6 Conversational Skills Every Introvert Can Master in Social Situations

Many introverts worry that they do not have good conversational skills. However, these skills, like any other, can be learned. This can improve your confidence in all social situations and help you develop meaningful relationships with the people around you. Having good conversational skills can be important in every area…