Feeling Overwhelmed? 5 Reasons Why It May Be a Good Thing

Feeling overwhelmed? Good! There are several reasons why you shouldn’t have a negative outlook on this emotion. I bet you were confused when you read the title, huh? After all, few people consider feeling overwhelmed to be a good response to anything. When you hear the word “overwhelmed” you think…

Your Guide to the Myers-Briggs Personality Types: Which Type Are You?

Anyone that is interested in finding out about their personality would have no doubt heard of the Myers-Briggs Personality Types. This personality classification was devised by mother and daughter combination Katharine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers. The personality test itself is in-depth and involved, but at the heart, it is…

Science Reveals Why Social Interaction Is So Difficult for Introverts and Empaths

Common sense tells us that introverts and empaths have a hard time with social interaction, but is there any scientific basis to this? Both introverts and empaths find social interaction draining at the best of times, and require frequent periods of downtime, where they can be alone and can recharge…

15 Things Parents of Introverted and Shy Kids Ought To Know

Parenting is a challenge and looking after shy kids is even more so. However, introverted and shy kids are a blessing. What parents need to do is know how to interact with them. Why Introverted Kids Are a Blessing Society usually prefers people who are outgoing. Extraversion is a top…

If You’re a Weird Person Who Feels Alone and Misunderstood, Read This.

Don't you know that our society is sick? So, while it suffers from this illness, I will continue to be a happily weird person. I honestly believe that society is so sick because of conformity. According to politics, religion, and business, we are supposed to abide by unspoken rules of…