Study: Your Body Could Perceive the Future

It is known that the subconscious part of the mind 'knows' much more than the conscious one. But can our bodies perceive the future without us even realizing it? A meta-analysis of U.S. scientists has shown that the subconscious mind switches on before our conscious awareness is activated, warning us…

3 Anomalistic Psychology Research Programs for Real Ghost Busters!

Students of anomalistic psychology study human behavior and experiences that are generally described as paranormal. However, these scientists operate without the assumption of paranormal activity; and studies often “bust” popular paranormal myths. Koestler Parapsychology Unit, University of Edinburgh Located in Edinburgh, Scotland this research center has churned out studies on…

Clairvoyance: Is There Any Evidence That It Is Real?

Clairvoyance: these messages from the secret channels of the mind are images suddenly making their appearance to warn us about the future… Many abilities of the human brain still remain hidden from scientists. Yet, only a small percentage of human potential has been known after years of research and much effort. This gives us insight into just…

Sixth Sense Exists and Helps Us Understand What Other People Think

According to a neuroscientist from Sydney, the phenomenon of sixth sense exists in a form of interaction between people. After five years of follow-up brain activity study, Trisha Stratford from the University of Technology, Sydney concluded that two people can “synchronize” the functions of their nervous system without having any visual…