Man Recreates His Sleep Paralysis Hallucinations in Creepy Surreal Photos

You might find these feelings familiar. Sleep paralysis hallucinations are alarming; the uncertain state between sleep and wakefulness is scary. You sense a formidable presence in the room but try as you might, you cannot scream. Sleep paralysis is universal. Though a sufferer's experiences vary in type and severity, its…

Self-Criticism Seems Natural, but It’s Not – How to Recognize and Stop This Bad Habit

Self-criticism is a like second nature, once it gets started, it's easy to do. The good news is, you can break this unhealthy habit with just a few steps. Critical aspects of our character and image become clear to us as soon as we wake up each morning. That is,…

5 Surprising Signs of Being Mentally Strong (Backed by Science)

We may think of mentally strong people as being tough and unemotional. But other signs include crying, gratitude and taking responsibility for our lives. Here are five signs of being mentally strong that you might find surprising: 1. Practicing realistic optimism Positive thinking has been very popular recently, however, it…

Avoidant Personality Disorder: What Happens When the Fear of Rejection Grows into Mental Illness

Avoidant personality disorder (APD) is not just the everyday worries that the majority of us suffer from. We all fear rejection and embarrassment in social situations, these are classed as normal feelings, but what if you had a lifelong and deeply ingrained fear of being rejected that was so rooted…

Top 20 Weirdest and Rarest Mental Illnesses You Won’t Believe Exist

We've all heard of depression and anxiety, but when it comes to obscure mental illnesses, we're not so well-informed. The human mind is relatively unchartered territory, and incredibly complex, but despite this, psychiatrists have managed to catalogue some pretty unusual and unexpected mental illnesses. Here are just twenty of them:…

9 Struggles of Having a Reserved Personality and an Anxious Mind

Having a reserved personality paired with an anxious mind poses so many obstacles. You can’t just calm down, and it’s impossible to care enough to be bothered. It’s a conundrum really. I sit here and write with a calm exterior, while on the inside, I’m busy trying to shove loose…