Being Creative Helps You De-Stress and Boost Your Health – Here Is How!

From de-stressing to solving problems and preventing illness, being creative has many benefits. In a 2010 study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, revealed the profound impact that art has on your ability to heal yourself. Here’s a rundown on some of the most important benefits of creativity.…

Existential Anxiety: a Curious and Misunderstood Illness That Affects Deep Thinkers

Existential anxiety presents a struggle with acceptance of life. Find yourself questioning everything? Then you might be suffering from this curious ailment. I bet you’re wondering what it means to have existential anxiety, maybe you wonder if you have it yourself. Hmmm, it’s possible. After all, as human beings, we…

5 Things Overly Sensitive People Want You To Know

Highly sensitive people are sometimes described as weak, thin-skinned, overly sensitive and sulky. They may be told to toughen up or get over it. However, recent research has indicated that highly sensitive people, or HSP’s, actually have differences in the way their brain’s work. Their sensitivity is not a weakness or a…

How to Use NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) to Reprogram Your Mind

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) offers some great techniques for reprogramming your mind and changштп your life. Language is the primary distinguishing factor between human beings and animals. While animals communicate, language goes beyond mere communication because it allows for the expression of abstract ideas. A dog can express danger with a…