What Is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and How to Tell If You Are Suffering from It

Let's talk about obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and the ways someone can identify its symptoms. Do you have worrying thoughts about contamination? Are you overly fastidious about keeping objects or clothes in perfect order? Do you have disturbing images of death, or worry about harm coming to a loved one because…

Men with Selfie Addiction Show Higher Psychopathic Tendencies

Selfie addiction can be directly linked to psychopathic behaviours and tendencies, a new study has found. We’re all guilty of indulging in the excessive vanity of the ‘selfie’, some even go as far as shamelessly taking selfies in public places. Smartphones are made for it; with the introduction of the…

What Is Conversion Disorder and How to Tell If You Suffer From It

What is conversion disorder? Ever heard of conversion disorder? Neither had I, but for the people who suffer from it, the symptoms can be extremely confusing and debilitating. Conversion disorder, also known as functional neurological symptom disorder, is a condition where mental stresses and worries, in other words, psychological factors,…

How Consumerism and Materialism of Modern Society Make Us Unhappy, Lonely and Unconfident

Research has associated consumerism and materialism with low self-esteem and the feelings of loneliness and unhappiness. A series of studies published in the journal, Motivation and Emotion showed that as people become more materialistic, their sense of wellbeing and purpose is reduced and if they become less materialistic, it rises.…

Here Is How Power Naps Can Make You More Creative and Productive

If you start taking power naps daily, you will feel more productive, energetic, healthy and even more creative, new studies suggest. The idea of being a stressed workaholic has been glamorised by the media, placing importance on having endless to-do lists and a frantic workspace as being the pinnacle of…