3 Traits Narcissists Seek in Others – Are You a Potential Target?

One of the main personality traits narcissists are known for is that they have extremely high confidence and self-importance. However, there are also a range of other traits that are often overlooked when dealing with narcissism. Traits such as an excessive need for admiration, lack of empathy for others, arrogance,…

Depression May Be a Sign of Spiritual Enlightenment, Study Suggests

Could depression be an indication of spiritual enlightenment? I have a plethora of opinions concerning depression. Considering I have been to therapists my entire life, those opinions war with each other and force a place into my brain. I do have depression, or to be exact, I suffer from Bipolar…

Spiritually-Minded People May Be More Likely to Suffer from Anxiety Disorders

A study suggests that there might be a link between anxiety and being spiritually-minded. Many people in our oh-so-busy world suffer from General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which is regarded as a chemical imbalance based disability. Those who live with anxiety will attest to the horrifying bouts and painful attacks their…

How Complaining Rewires Your Brain for Negativity and Literally Kills You

Complaining can be much worse for you than you thought, according to neuroscience. We tend to feel a lot better once we’ve had a good moan. Getting things off our chests seems to relieve a burden or two, and who hasn’t heard of the old adage ‘a problem shared is…

3 Things Psychopaths Say to Make You Feel Crazy

Although many people think psychopaths are serial killers and mass murderers, it’s actually a term used for a personality type who fulfil basic non-violent criteria. Psychopaths are all around us, including our politicians, local business men & women and that person you sat next to on the bus this morning.…