9 Most Common Myths about Psychology You Probably Still Believe

It’s not unusual for people to associate psychology with highly paid individuals who listen to the problems of those who are mentally unstable. In reality, psychology is a fascinating study of the mind and behavior and is present in our daily lives. Here are some of the most common myths…

This Is How Social Media Makes Us Narcissistic [Infographic]

Social media has well and truly taken over our lives. Almost two-thirds of American adults are using social media platforms and, unsurprisingly, 90% of young adults between the ages of 18 to 29 are active on social networking websites. Everywhere we turn, social media is mentioned, demonstrated and used by…

How to Use Your Depression to Your Advantage

Unfortunately, I’ve always suffered from clinical depression. Even during good periods, I can feel as though I’m right on the edge of feeling that crushing, debilitating pain that there is no escape from. Whilst a lot of people who have never experienced depression can struggle to understand it, there are…

Comic Captures What the World Is Like for Socially Anxious People

Like most mental disorders, social anxiety can alter your perception of reality, yourself and others. As a result, social situations make you feel extremely uncomfortable and sometimes even panicked. Whatever involves the interaction with other people, from making a phone call to saying ‘hi’ to your neighbors, scares you like…

These Character Traits Can Predict Your Well-Being

What character traits can predict overall well-being? It seems that we, as human beings, aren’t just mental illness cases. We are also built on character. In Characters Strengths and Virtue: A Handbook and Classification, Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman provide a contribution to psychology - an antidote with a focus…