New Study Reveals What a Brain on LSD Actually Looks Like and This Is Eye-Opening

Have you ever wondered what a brain on LSD looks like? Last April, crowdfunding started on the science website Walacea. The fund was set up for research looking into the psychological effects of LSD on the brain through an MRI scanner. The research was conducted by Prof. David Nutt, Robin…

Things You Should Never Say to Someone Who Is Grieving (and What to Say Instead)

When someone close to you is grieving, you have to be very careful what you say to them. I lost my partner two years ago and amongst the obvious grief that I felt, what made it worse was some of the comments I received during those two years. My boyfriend…

This Comic Perfectly Captures What Dealing with Depression and Anxiety Is Like

You might be surprised by the number of people who suffer from some sort of mental illness. Why I, myself, suffer from bipolar disorder. So I can relate, to some degree, with some symptoms of other mental issues. My condition, for instance, deals with mania and depression, which mirrors depression…

What Is the Difference Between a Psychopath and a Sociopath, According to Science?

Both a psychopath and a sociopath are types of antisocial personality. We hear these terms in today’s media more often than ever. In fact, they are quite often used to define the same person since few people know that there is a difference between a psychopath and a sociopath. This…

7 Signs You Need an Attitude Adjustment (and What to Do about It)

Life. It happens. And as we progress through it, we have wonderful successes, some abysmal failures, and lots of stuff in between these two extremes that we define as okay, pretty good, not-so-good, or neutral. Sometimes, when we go through a period of not-so-good with a few abysmal failures thrown…

5 Signs You May Be a Narcissist Without Even Knowing It

We’ve all heard the term narcissist and we all know it is mainly associated with a negative meaning. But what does being a narcissist actually mean? Well, according to the Psychologist’s manual DSM-V, there are nine criteria for having Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), but you only need to have five…

7 Psychological Reasons Why People Can’t Always Be Happy

Happiness is a complex topic. Why are some people happy in spite of bad circumstances, while others are always unhappy in spite of good circumstances? What role does attitude play in happiness? Let’s take a look at 7 reasons why people can't always be happy. 1. They Simply Choose not…