10 Symbols in Dreams That Reveal Important Things about You and Your Life

Have you ever thought about the dreaming process in a detailed manner? If not, then maybe it's a good idea to start to because dreams have a huge role to play and can reveal many important things about yourself. In fact, every person on earth experiences a phenomenon of dreaming…

What Your Eye Contact Says about You in a Conversation (and How to Master It)

Your eye contact says a lot of things about you in a conversation. You’re talking to someone. They keep looking over your shoulder. They’re clearly not listening to you. In fact, you suspect they’re scanning the room to see if there’s anyone more interesting to talk to. Ouch. How does…

7 Reasons People Who Enjoy Spending Time Alone Are More Likely to Be Successful

We all want to be successful, it’s human nature to strive to complete goals and achieve the lifestyle we have always dreamed of. It may seem like common sense that extroverts will be the most successful due to their outgoing, confident nature, but science is actually arguing that introverts are…

10 Ways to Figure Out What You Really Want in Life

The more stuff you get, the less you understand what you really want. When you realize that all those things you bought don’t make you happy, there is one question that crosses your minds: “What do I really want?” Once you discover your true purpose in life, it will be…

11 Struggles Only Overthinkers Will Understand

Overthinkers face daily challenges, worrying about and over analysing even the most insignificant situations. We are spending more time alone, and being inundated with various forms of online communication has made us more introspective. Suddenly, we are more concerned in regards to how we appear to others and what others…