How Consumerism and Materialism of Modern Society Make Us Unhappy, Lonely and Unconfident

Research has associated consumerism and materialism with low self-esteem and the feelings of loneliness and unhappiness. A series of studies published in the journal, Motivation and Emotion showed that as people become more materialistic, their sense of wellbeing and purpose is reduced and if they become less materialistic, it rises.…

8 Seemingly Negative Personality Traits You Should Actually Be Proud of

These negative personality traits shouldn't make you feel bad if you have them. Many of the personality traits that we have been taught are bad, and encouraged to eradicate from our lives, have a surprising number of benefits. So it is worth taking a closer look at our negative personality…

Phone Anxiety: the Fear of Talking on the Phone (and How to Get Over It)

Do you find yourself feeling anxious when you are talking on the phone? Chances are you have phone anxiety. Phone anxiety may sound like a silly idea in our age when it's impossible to imagine our life without a smartphone in our hands. Still, except for bringing us all kinds…

9 Ways to Develop Mental Toughness and How It Can Help You in Life

Many people feel that having great mental toughness is something you either have or don’t have. Contrary to this popular belief, being mentally strong is not a quality or a talent that is only bestowed upon fortunate or gifted individuals. Every person has their fair share of challenges in life,…

3 Traits Narcissists Seek in Others – Are You a Potential Target?

One of the main personality traits narcissists are known for is that they have extremely high confidence and self-importance. However, there are also a range of other traits that are often overlooked when dealing with narcissism. Traits such as an excessive need for admiration, lack of empathy for others, arrogance,…