The One Type of Love You Shouldn’t Live Without: Life Coaching for Self-Love

What is self-love? This is certainly a question many life coaches will have considered. No, it's not about your ego. Nor about being selfish. Self-love is the acceptance and understanding of yourself and of your emotions. Once you find this kind of love for yourself it will have a major…

Create Your Own Reality by Grasping These Three Important Concepts

Life is full of challenges, expectations, fears, interests, and a plethora of emotions which drive us to move forward. Wait, is it really these things which drive us, or is it us who drive these things? I, personally, have always maintained that life is a matter of perspective; our mindset…

How to Achieve Happiness, According to Psychology?

“The more we learn about man’s natural tendencies, the easier it will be to tell him how to be good, how to be happy, how to be fruitful, how to respect himself, how to love, how to fulfill his highest potentialities” ~Abraham Maslow It wasn’t very long ago that psychologists'…