Quantum Physics and the Separation of Consciousness During the Out-of-Body State

Leading neuroscientists all agree that the last great frontier in modern quantum physics lies in the area of consciousness. Two sides of the debate exist between reductionists, who seek to explain consciousness as a product of sufficiently complex systems, such as the brain, and fundamentalists, who assert the idea that…

Energy Shift in the Multiverse: Can We Interact with Our Counterparts from Other Universes?

In this article, I provide conceptual speculation about the new idea of Multiverse Theory, namely, the energy shift of a cross-universe. This idea incorporates the existing ideas of Multiverse Theory and also incorporates the relevant ideas of sub-quantum kinetics. During the speculation process, when I developed the idea of a…

Synchronicity and the Secret of the Co-Creator

Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner to the observer. To count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance. If you believe synchronicity is simply a coincidence, then you haven’t read any of…

Is Time Real? My Thought Experiment on the Nature of Time

For this thought experiment, I present to you different views of the time. My own hypothesis of time is just something I pondered as an alternative to the others. If you think each through, you’ll find that none are falsifiable, which means that you can’t prove any of them wrong.…