Stephen Hawking: The Discovery of Higgs Boson Made Physics Less Interesting

Ok! When Stephen Hawking makes a statement, people usually listen carefully. At times, he has made some very curious statements, but who can deny the fact that he is arguably the biggest theoretical physics mind of the time. When the discoverer of the Hawking Radiation, the creator of the gravitational…

Religion and Extraterrestrial Life: Is There a Connection?

There are two very popular topics that strike a sensitive chord in the thoughts and emotions of human beings: religion and extraterrestrial life. These two topics bring up more questions than answers at times. Most people like thinking and talking about religion and extraterrestrial life, if they are real and…

There Could Be Half as Much Dark Matter in the Milky Way as Previously Thought

Dark matter has never been easy to understand, neither has it been a piece of cake to measure. According to recently attained measurements, however, it seems that there is only half the amount of dark matter in the Milky Way than what we previously thought. If you have no idea…

Israeli Scientists Create a ‘Black Hole’ in Their Lab to Prove Hawking’s Theory

In 1974, prominent physicist Stephen Hawking shocked his colleagues by claiming that black holes emit radiation. Forty years later, a laboratory experiment seems to have confirmed his theory. The study is published in the journal «Nature Physics». Black holes – points in space where the density of matter approaches infinity…